
Mother-and-stepmother - useful and therapeutic grass

Mother-and-stepmother is a grass widely known in our country. Loves a temperate climate and has the ability to quickly spread in a free territory, unpretentious to the composition of the soil, can reproduce anywhere: on the roadside, in ditches and ravines, near small streams. A highly developed root allows it to extract nutrients for its existence from the deepest layers of the earth. Because it is unloved by summer residents and truck farmers, as a very annoying plant. But the mother-and-stepmother is successfully superseded by other plants, if the land is subjected to cultivation and planting of noble crops.

In addition to the fact that the plant is considered a weed, it can be beneficial. Although it is rarely used by traditional scientific medicine. The Latin name is tussilago, which can be translated as "cough". This name reflects the fact that the mother-and-stepmother Can act as a medicine for any diseases of the human respiratory system.

Mixtures of medicinal herbs containing a plant such as mother-and-stepmother (the medicinal properties of which have long been used by traditional medicine, and now homeopathy) are prepared on their own or they can be purchased in pharmacies as pampering.

With pneumonia, hoarseness, prolonged dry cough, bronchitis, a dry mixture of the following medicinal herbs is prepared in equal parts:

  1. Mother-and-stepmother, flowers and leaves are used.
  2. Comfrey is the ground root.
  3. Linden blossom.
  4. A black elder, flowers.
  5. Mullein Flowers.
  6. The roots are grassy.

A tablespoon of a mixture with a slide is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and allowed to stand. The mother-and-stepmother, a grass that possesses Softening , diaphoretic, expectorant and astringent properties, will greatly alleviate the suffering of the patient. The duration of the mother-and-stepmother's application is quite long, but the effect is palpable.

The leaves and flowers of the plant can be applied separately, without the involvement of other herbs. For this, take leaves of grass - 20 g, flowers - 30 g, pour one liter of boiling water and insist. The same infusion is used for catarrh of the stomach, duodenal ulcers, with kidney diseases, with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Here such application has unpretentious plant, called mother-and-stepmother. Useful properties of grass are numerous. With skin erysipelas, diatheses, ulcers, abscesses, the leaves of the plant are used. They are simply applied to a sore spot. Suitable and the juice of the plant. It is applied in the form of a compress.

Mother-and-stepmother grass will help with a cold. The juice of the plant must be inhaled through the nose. With an inflamed throat, bleeding gums, you can use the rinse infusion. In inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system - in the form of syringing, and with intestinal disorders put enemas.

The only restriction and precaution in the application of mother-and-stepmother for medical purposes are serious liver diseases. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also worth limiting the use of this plant.

If you yourself decided to take care of the grass, then pay attention to its similarity with the dandelion. Flowers for medicinal purposes are harvested in the spring, and leaves in June, July, when they reach their largest size. Strong to you health!

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