
Monisto - what is this? Meaning of the word

Some words that have long been out of use, still remain on hearing. There may also be such old Russian associations - the cheeks, the mouth, the eyes and so on. For example, monisto. What is that? This is the name of a kind of ancient ornaments that women put on their necks. These were products from various beads, coins or stones. Often these were silver fifty kopecks.

Massive ornaments on the neck

Monisto is a magic combination of sound overflows, a ringing echo of a restless gypsy camp, massive grandeur on the chest of a Russian woman. Based on encyclopedic definitions, this is just an ornament on the neck like a necklace, which includes coins of different sizes, beads, gems, stones.

So it is, but this is a rather dry description, which is unable to convey the fascinating attractiveness of this product.

This is something without which it was impossible to imagine the elegant decoration of ancient women. This is an obligatory attribute of beauties from the Scythian tribes, Russian ladies, concubines from eastern harems and freedom-loving gypsy girls.

It consisted of copper, silver or gold coins, expensive gems or modest stones, on a chain of noble metal or on a simple rope. The elements used in the necklace are an indicator of the status and level of well-being of its owner.

The meaning of the word "monisto"

Many dictionaries give approximately similar descriptions. The most common are the following definitions:

  • Neck decoration, which consists of a string with beads strung on it;
  • Necklace of glass beads, silver coins and a variety of pebbles;
  • A product made of coins, pearls, corals;

  • A kind of cervical embellishment with golden monsters and different stones;
  • A necklace of beads, coins, crosses, colored stones, which was worn around the neck as an accessory, complementing the folk costume.

Modern fashion trends

In the fashion trends of modern times, there is always a place for something from the past. Monisto is a beautiful ancient necklace, which enjoys great success in the world of costume jewelry and can be relevant for a variety of occasions: from a regular fashion party to a wedding celebration.

"... It costs more than your whole house"

Monisto - this is one of the oldest gizmos, which were a chain, a cord with crosses, coins and so on. Often this name was mentioned in the old chronicles when describing women of those times. Western European travelers who stayed in the tsarist empire could state in their memoirs something like: "On your neck, a Slav woman can carry as much money as the whole house does not cost."

Flat metal fittings

Monisto often looks like a flat, decorated with various elements of metal fittings, used primarily by women of different nations of the world.

Forms and sizes are very diverse. The word itself is directly related to the word "coins", hence the name of this beauty.

We can say that these are the progenitors of many modern types of costume jewelry. Just like many centuries ago, today women of different ages, cultures and nationalities continue to wear these magical things in their own way.

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