Health, Preparations
Miramistin - analogues
The drug Miramistin is a unique antiseptic that has a harmful effect on harmful microorganisms and viruses. It is active against fungi, as well as gram-positive and gram-negative, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, including hospital strains resistant to antibiotics.
Indications for use
Miramistin is used in complex treatment in the following cases:
- Deep or superficial burns;
- trophic ulcers and festering wounds;
- inflammatory gynecological diseases;
- diseases that are transmitted sexually;
- chronic and acute urethritis;
- Periodontitis, stomatitis;
- fungal lesions of the surface of the skin and mucous membranes;
- Otitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nasal cavity, tonsillitis.
The drug "Miramistin" with angina has a positive effect and is prescribed quite often, as it facilitates the rapid disposal of severe symptoms of the disease. They also handle dentures for their disinfection.
If the risk of hypersensitivity to its components is detected, it is undesirable to use Miramistin. Analogues of this drug can also cause allergic reactions.
Drug Interactions
There is an increase in the resistance of pathogens to antibacterial agents with simultaneous treatment with antibiotics and Miramistin. Analogues of this drug are not so effective, therefore it is the most suitable means for application in the period before the exact diagnosis is made.
Side effects
When using the product, there may be a slight burning sensation that disappears on its own in a few seconds and does not require refusal of treatment. Miramistin has analogues, but many of them have serious side effects.
Dosing and Administration
Miramistin is intended for topical application. In the treatment of purulent wounds or burns, gauze wipes are applied to the affected areas, previously moistened with the product.
Considering the wide spectrum of drug use, as well as its activity against fungal microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria, Miramistin is prescribed for mixed infections.
For chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urethra, the solution should be injected into the urethra 2-5 ml three times a day for one week (simultaneously with the use of other drugs).
To prevent infections in the postpartum period, tampons are used - they are injected into the vagina for two hours a day, moistening in 50 ml of Miramistin solution. Analogues of a drug with such a wide range of effects have not yet been created.
In order to prevent diseases that are sexually transmitted, the skin of the intimate places and the inner surface of the thighs should be treated with Miramistin. It is necessary to do this not later than two hours after sexual intercourse. After such procedures it is not recommended to visit the toilet for two hours.
The drug Miramistin for inhalations is used for respiratory diseases of a viral origin.
special instructions
Medicinal preparation Miramistin can be used during the period of bearing the child, but only on the recommendation of the attending physician.
Store the medicine at room temperature, in a dry place. In a sealed enclosure, the remedy can last up to three years.
Precautionary measures
If you get medication on the mucous membrane of the eyes, you should immediately wash them with water.
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