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Methods of movement of animals. Materials for the lesson

Of all classes of animals - higher and primitive - many species use different ways of movement (sometimes quite original ones) in water, under water, in air and over surfaces. Methods of movement of animals depend on many factors: the formation in the process of evolutionary development, the presence or absence of the skeleton, other features of the structure of the particular species.

The most important feature

The ability to move is one of the properties of living organisms, no matter what class or species they are considered to be scientists. Even plants move inside at the cellular level. And animals, unlike plants, tend to move the whole body, thus pursuing various goals: food search, reproduction, protection from enemies. Because the movement - this is the very life of living nature and, in particular, its fauna.

Methods of movement of animals. Classification

All of them are classified into several large groups.

  1. Amoeboid. The name comes from the word amoeba. This protozoan animal does not even have a permanent shape, and its body consists of one cell and has the property of constantly changing outlines. On the body are formed peculiar outgrowths, called pseudorubia (pseudopodia). Thanks to these adaptations, this simplest is able to move. Under a microscope strong enough, you can see how it lifts up on short outgrowths, like on the legs, and rolls over, carrying out the motor process.
  2. Reactive. Some other protozoa (for example, gregarines) move this way, sharply separating the slime from the end of the calf, which pushes the animal forward.
  3. There are also protozoa that soar passively in some environment (for example, in water). And what are the ways of movement of unicellular animals? They differ in enviable variety.
  4. With the help of flagella and cilia. Such modes of movement of animals are also characteristic of protozoa. Adaptations carry out various movements: undulating, oscillatory, rotational. With the help of these movements, the animal itself (for example, euglena) moves, making a spiral trajectory. According to the Norwegian scientists, some flagellates living in the seas can rotate around the axis at a tremendous speed: 10 revolutions per second!
  5. With the help of muscles. These modes of animal movement are characteristic of many species with a muscular structure or the likeness of it. With the help of muscles, all mammals move, including man.

Evolutionary development

In the evolution of animals from the simplest and unicellular structures of organisms to higher multicellular organisms, having different organs and functions, the modes of movement of animals also evolved. For millions of years, the most complex motor systems were developed, allowing different species to obtain food, escape from the enemy, defend themselves and multiply. It is characteristic that only a few of the known animals perform a sedentary lifestyle. The vast majority of people move in different ways.

With the help of muscles

Multicellular representatives of fauna are characterized by movement with the help of muscles, which are formed by a special tissue called muscle. This structure has a peculiarity of shrinking. Cutting, the muscles set in motion the levers, which are the component parts of the skeletons of animals. So the movement is carried out.

Who in what much

So, with the help of muscle structures slugs and snails glide over the surfaces. Earthworms, using the cavity muscular movement, cling to the uneven ground with bristles. Leeches use suckers, and snakes are skin scales. Many animals, lifting the body above the ground, move with the help of the limbs, thus significantly reducing friction. As a result, the speed of movement increases (the fastest animal on the planet is the cheetah, which speeds upwards of 110 kilometers). Some animals jump (even on water). Some plan to fly or fly. Some dive or swim in the water or in the depths. But everywhere is used muscle strength.

Unusual ways of movement of animals

  • The freshwater hydra moves with peculiar steps and somersaults. It bends the body and is attached by tentacles to the surface, then pulls up the sole. Actinia moves very slowly, reducing and relaxing the muscles of the sole itself.
  • Cephalopods (squid, octopus) are capable of reactive movement. They suck the liquid into a special cavity of its body and force it out through a narrow funnel. This moves the body in the opposite direction.
  • Basilisk lizard quickly runs on water (2 meters per second). On the surface of the water it is held by air bubbles under the scales of the paws.
  • The gecko runs along a vertical glass wall at a speed of 1 meter per second, without falling. This is due to special suckers on the lizard's legs.
  • Paradise decorated snakes, living in Asia, fly through the air from tree to tree, using the flattening of their body, which turns into this time in the likeness of a flying saucer.


A variety of types of movements are characteristic of all animals that exist on our planet. The process itself is carried out in several ways. Each of the living organisms is adapted to certain types of movements characteristic of it.

This material can be used to conduct a lesson on "Ways of movement of animals. 5 class ".

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