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Memories and statements about Lermontov's great people: the thoughts of writers, philosophers and poets about the brightest representative of Russian literature

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian literature. His pen belongs to very profound statements, stunning poems, dramatic poems. It's not just a writer or a poet - it's a Person with a capital letter. And many of his followers and contemporaries composed entire statements about Lermontov. The most famous of them should be considered.

Thoughts of Belinsky

Very interesting statements about Lermontov, belonging Belinsky. However, before starting to consider them, it should be noted that Vissarion Grigorievich was a revolutionary democrat, and he wrote many things, being influenced by conciliation. So some of his statements about Lermontov contradict each other. Belinsky was a complex man, and his thoughts were accordingly. But from this less interesting they do not become.

It is interesting that many of Lermontov's works have become what helped Belinsky to free himself from the errors that excited him. Many scholars and literary scholars of the Soviet period spoke about this. However, Vissarion Grigorievich did not write a single article devoted to Lermontov. Although not just going to. But his statements about M. Yu. Lermontov show that this man had great respect for the writer. He writes that his work is not sadness, disbelief and desolation, but the real power of thought and detailed analysis. This all served as an instrument in the battle for a completely new ideology. For what, without which it would not be possible to create anything new. Belinsky felt this very subtly.

He also noted that the poem for this poet was only a means of expressing his thoughts, which, despite their depth, amazed with simple truth. One of Belinsky's numerous statements should be cited. He, like many other figures, did not hesitate to compare this great poet with Alexander Sergeyevich and expressed it this way: "Pushkin has a sincerity and grace, and Lermontov has an acute and searing power, steel transparency and incredible simplicity of expression." Many critics, studying the statements about Lermontov, owned by Vissarion Grigorievich, argue that he sympathized with him more than Pushkin.

The opinions of the great

Considering the statements of the poets about Lermontov, we should also note the words belonging to the publicists. These people in a special way refer to the issue of criticism and analysis of the works of other authors - with more fault-finding, attentiveness and objectivity. For example, Alexander Herzen, a Russian publicist and philosopher, said that Lermontov is one of the prophets of our Russian people. Nikolai Chernyshevsky confidently stated that this writer and his work will play a huge role both in literature and in the development of social thought. He and his close friend Dobrolyubov almost by heart knew the lyrics, which belonged to the pen of Mikhail Yurievich.

Foreign figures about the great Russian poet

It is worth noting that there are numerous statements about Lermontev, which belong to foreign writers, translators and philosophers. The famous German poet Friedrich Bodenshtedt, for example, was a great admirer of Mikhail Yurievich's work. He said that it is impossible not to get lost as an artistic truth, which the poet so artistically expresses in his works. Bodenshtedt claimed that although Lermonov is a subjective poet, he did not have any objectivity. He was able to reflect the truth of his time in his works, showing all the crappy and good features of it. This is how the German writer spoke about the great poet .

Ivan Turgenev and his memories of Lermontov

Not all statements of the great about Lermontov are as interesting as those that belong to the equally great literary figure Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. He happily recalled his meetings with Mikhail Yurievich. Ivan Turgenev wrote that he had only seen him twice: "There was something gloomy, tragic and ominous in his appearance, he could feel ungainly power and thoughtful contempt." From the swarthy face and dark fixed eyes, there was a passion. "The power coming from him Everyone felt it, and his eyes did not laugh when he laughed. " And that's not all that Ivan Sergeyevich writes about Lermontov. But one thing can be stated with certainty. Absolutely all the figures of that time and later - they respected Mikhail Yuryevich. This is truly one of the most outstanding representatives of Russian literature of the XIX century.

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