BeautySkin care

Mask of honey for the face in the summer

Cosmetic honey masks can be prepared at home. Such masks perfectly nourish, soften, disinfect the skin of the face, make it velvety, tender, smooth fine wrinkles, restore the moisture of the skin. Applied mask of honey for the face

Covers the skin with a thin film, prevents the evaporation of moisture, protects from the adverse factors of nature during the hot season.

Despite the simplicity of cooking and high efficiency, there are a number of reasons why a facial mask for honey can be contraindicated. With allergic diseases, with accelerated growth of hair on the skin of the face, with the widening of the vessels and the appearance of sprouts on the skin, with diabetes and honey intolerance, it is not worth risking your health and using masks and creams that include beekeeping products.

With normal skin to prepare a mask, you can take 1 tbsp. L honey, add 10 drops of lemon juice, a little bit of fiber, mix until a slurry and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cool water.

When dry skin of the face, take a slice of black bread, pour 1 tbsp. L warm milk and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then add egg yolk, 1 tbsp. L honey and a few drops of vitamin A. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on face for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with cold water.

For oily and porous skin on the basis of honey of eggs and cottage cheese, a cleansing face mask is prepared, which nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin, narrows the pores. For its preparation, whisk one egg with ½ tsp. Honey and add 2 tbsp. L well-pounded cottage cheese. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then wash off at first warm, and then with cold water.

Another, very popular cleansing face mask is prepared from 2 tbsp. L honey, 1 tbsp. L wheat bran and juice half a lemon. It is effective even with problem rough skin of the face with acne. It restores skin cells, refreshes and brightens the skin of the face, makes it more smooth and tender. You can do this once a week.

Any cleansing face mask is applied no more often than once a week. Wash off the cleansing masks with warm water, then rinse with cool water. You can use for these purposes broths of herbs, such as sage, mint, chamomile, dog rose, tea brewing. After it, you must always apply a nourishing mask of berries, fruits, or a nourishing cream.

With the flabby skin of the face, a very simple mask of apples and honey makes an excellent effect. To do this, grate the apple on a fine grater, mix with 1 tbsp. L of Hercules and 1 h of honey. The resulting mass is used on the face skin at once, 2 times a week. After 20 minutes, wash the mask with cool water.

With a problem skin with acne, you can use face masks from cucumber.

First, apply a lotion of cucumber juice with honey. 1 glass of cucumber juice mixed with 1 h of honey and rubbed their face, after half an hour washed with cool water. Then, quite often, you can use a mask of fresh cucumber and nutritious cream. For this, the cucumber is rubbed on a fine grater or ground in a blender, take 1 tbsp. L mass, mixed with 1 ts of nutritious fat cream and a drop of apple cider vinegar and applied to the face for half an hour. I wash off with warm water, then with cold water. In a short time, the skin of the face will be tightened, bleached, take a groomed and fresh look.

On a summer day, a mask of honey for the face with egg white is well refreshed and moisturized. To do this, take two whipped egg whites, mix with 1 tbsp. L honey, ½ h l of almond or peach oil and 2 tbsp. L of oatmeal. The mixed mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water. After that, a good compliment will be a cool compress.

Weathering, sunburned face skin needs special care. In these cases, a mask of honey for the face on the basis of one of the herbs growing and blooming in summer is a good help. You can use chamomile flowers, mint leaves, plantain, nettle, which must be collected, crushed in a mortar, adding a little water, and mixed with honey in the same proportion. The resulting gruel is applied to the face for half an hour. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cold water.

Using the gifts of nature in the summer, you can keep your face healthy, nourish it with vitamins, maintain its moisture, resilience for many years, without resorting to expensive creams, scrubs and lotions.

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