Spiritual developmentTarot

Map "Hanged" (Tarot): meaning. "Hanged" card: the meaning in divination by relations

Tarot cards consist of 78 maps with images in which the symbols of occultism, astrology, alchemy are enciphered.

The history of the origin of the Tarot is unclear and shrouded in many legends. But in one, both occult and traditional researchers agree - the Tarot represents a collection of encrypted secret knowledge of the past. The images of the maps trace the mystical traditions of India, Egypt, Persia, and China.

Contemporary Tarot Deck

When and where the Tarot deck appeared in the modern form for the first time, it is for certain unknown. It consists of 78 maps, which are divided into 2 types:

  • The minor arcana;
  • Senior Arcana.

Junior arcana resemble traditional playing cards and consist of 56 cards, which, in turn, are divided into 4 suits: swords, bowls (cups), pentacles (denarii), wands.

The senior arcades consist of 22 cards, each of which has its own plot and deep philosophical meaning. Numbers are numbered from zero to 21 and, located by numbers, symbolically depict human life.

Picture on the map "The Hanged Man"

Tarot, being the bearer of ancient knowledge, assumes a detailed analysis and interpretation of the picture of each card of the senior lasso.

Tarot "The Hanged Man" is an image of a young man hung upside down on a gallows or a tree - the pattern may vary depending on the deck. Also, a person can hang between two columns, symbolizing the portal. In a number of modern decks, you can find a practically schematic, meager image, where there is only a figure hanging on the beam, and nothing more. The canonical image is where the live, sometimes flowering, tree is in place of the gallows.

Often the "Hung" Tarot is depicted suspended in one leg, while the second is bent and laid for the first. The arms of the gallows are connected either behind their backs or over their heads. At the same time, the person's face is portrayed as pensive, calm and peaceful, and there is no sign of suffering on it. This symbolizes that this provision is the choice of the person himself. And this choice is voluntary, for the sake of some goal worth suffering for. Humility and a voluntary sacrifice are represented by the Tarot card "The Hanged Man". The meaning of discipleship is also realized in the map. Since the teaching is simultaneously coercion, restriction of freedom, and new opportunities in the knowledge of the world, the true course of things.

Map value

In the scenario, "The Hanged Man" symbolizes the highest spiritual wisdom. Therefore, if you fell out this card, then a spiritual journey has begun for you or soon, which will lead to growth and gaining wisdom. Such a journey can lead to the transformation of your "I", the abandonment of your old nature and the adoption of a new one, for which material and worldly problems are alien, and the main thing is spiritual enlightenment. By sacrificing traditional views of the world and worldly values, you can gain the understanding and wisdom that the Tarot card "Hanged" promises. The meaning of existence, according to this arcana, can be comprehended not so much by reason as by intuition, by resorting to meditation, the interpretation of dreams, and fortune-telling.

Direct position of the card

When he takes a direct position "Hanged", Tarot warn that the time has come to suspend his activities. In order not to lose the spiritual path, it is necessary to reconsider your priorities and goals, your attitude to life. Time seems to stop for you, there is a feeling of "slow motion". There comes a period of testing, during which certain lessons must be learned. This is a transition period from old to new, you have the opportunity to realize your desires, achieve your goals.

However, to achieve the goal, you will have to give up something or sacrifice something. In order to acquire a new one, one must sacrifice the old - this vital principle is most clearly manifested in the "Hanged" Tarot card. The significance of this arcana is closely connected with the system of spiritual values of man. Therefore, in order to understand yourself, it is better to go deeper into your self and resort to meditation, contemplation and rest. The advice of others at this moment can only hurt.

Inverted position of the card

If the card is in a position where "Hanged" Inverted, Tarot indicate that you are deceiving yourself. The possibility that your victim was in vain is great. And this is due to the fact that, hitting someone else's influence, you had to give up your own life values and aspirations. Perhaps in the relationship with someone you have the role of the victim.

Also, there is the possibility that you can not even for the sake of the cherished goal, bring the necessary sacrifice. And this is explained by the fear of doing it in his own way, not in the way that is customary in society. Now the best thing for you is to try to turn your world upside down to see. If you asked for cards about business, then do not follow the advice of others or make major contributions. It would be better to wait and think about the situation.

But do not be upset, a period of uncertainty, one way or another, will pass. And if you spend this time reevaluating your views and plans for later life, then your actions in the future will lead to achievement of goals and success. This is the essence of the reversed card "Hanged" Tarot.

Importance of Relationships

Appearing in the field of feelings, the lasso shows its most negative aspects. This applies to both the direct and inverted position of the map. "Hanged man" indicates the need to understand the fact that the reasons for the current situation lie in the past and require rethinking.

Relations. Direct position

In the direct position "The Hanged Man" testifies to the existence of a crisis in relations caused by the unwillingness of one of the partners to sacrifice something for the sake of continuing the relationship. Or one of the partners devotes himself to the other without receiving anything in return. Also, the card can talk about long loneliness, the inability of a person to find a pair. In addition, in some cases indicates the futility of attempts to restore relations to the old harmony and warmth. This is how the lasso is interpreted, falling into the position next to the cards "Lovers" or "Ace of Cups".

If the Hanged man fell into a position that speaks of the past, then he points to the past difficult period of a lonely life or test, when a person either consciously remained lonely, or dedicated his existence to a person who is being told.

Relations. Inverted position

The inverted meaning of the hilt "The Hanged Man" is treated extremely negatively. The main value of the card will be associated with selfishness and egoism, unwillingness to listen to a partner and make concessions. About indifference, rudeness and lack of love says "Hanged" (Tarot). Relationships have reached a deadlock, the life priorities of partners are too different, which does not allow us to find a common language and negotiate.

However, when the "Hanged" falls out with the arcane "Star", then the couple still have hope to fix everything. In combination with the "Sun" card promises a successful solution to the problem. If, together with the "Fool", "Hanged" fell, Tarot say that the way out of the situation will be extremely unexpected; And with the "Court" - in order to find prosperity and success, you will have to redeem old sins.

If the question was asked by a lonely person, the "Hanged man" indicates a disregard for spiritual values and the withdrawal of interests in the material sphere. The person to whom they are guessing, shows vanity, mercantile attitude towards others, craves respect and worship. Appearing in such a situation, the arkan warns a person about a huge mistake, calls for a rethinking of his existence.

The combination of a lasso with other cards

Important for the horn is the "Hanged" combination. Tarot originally assumes the interpretation of maps not separately, but in aggregate. Moreover, some combinations can not only change the value of the map, but also strengthen or weaken it.

So, to the cards that enhance the meaning of the Hangman "Hanged" are:

  • "Strength" - indicates the need for patience, which will help to gain time;
  • "Jester" - speaks of commitment to society, faith in existence;
  • "10 swords" - testifies to martyrdom and sacrifice;
  • "Nun" - activity will be reduced, waiting period.

Weaken the meaning of the lasso will be:

  • "4 pentacles" - speaks of control, restraint;
  • "Magician" - a manifestation of activity, stormy activity;
  • "Chariot" - the desire for self-affirmation;
  • "7 Wands" - confrontation and defiant behavior.

Psychological understanding of the lasso

On the changes in life, about the new and difficult to comprehend is the appearance of the Hangman "The Hanged Man" (Taro). The value of the card calls not to be frightened, but to open up to the new, to look at the world in a different way. If the world gets upside down, you can follow his example. But observing what is happening, it is necessary to remain calm and clear thought. As soon as possible, we must learn to find and maintain a balance between our inner self and the surrounding reality. In no case should you go into yourself and limit yourself to your own world. Waiting, watching and understanding what is happening is what is required of a person at this stage. The main thing is to remember that soon the period of calm will end, and life will begin to boil and require action.

To put it briefly, "Hanged" means a dead end. But do not be discouraged, because such a situation gives an opportunity to rethink life. And, consequently, change it and your view of the world as a whole. Passivity, to which this card says, resembles a lying patient. But this is a period of spiritual healing and transformation.

Advice if you have an inverted "Hanged" card

Trying to comprehend what is happening, remember to avoid making mistakes, you need to consider the events from all sides. When you change your point of view, your attitude to what's going on will change. If such an approach does not help, then it will be necessary to bring the necessary sacrifice - only so it will be possible to accept something new. But do not cling to the old, the victim will be justified, and in return you will receive immeasurably more.

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