Spiritual developmentMeditation

Mantras - what is this? And what are they for?

Mantra is a single sound or sentence, repeated on a circle the necessary number of times. This is a kind of ancient prayer in Sanskrit.

For what and where are mantras used

First of all, people practicing meditation know the essence of the mantra, what it is and why. They are needed for immersion in a special state of peace and relaxation. You can use them in an esoteric sense, but in fact, meditation is the most common way to relax and purify your mind. The execution of mantras helps the brain to tune in to the right wave. Sound vibrations help the mind and body to relax.

Also, people who are well versed in the power of sound can say that these prayers have great importance for improving their lives. If you ask them about what mantras are - what it is and why, they will respond that it is sound vibrations that help to achieve prosperity, health, love and anything else. There is such a theory that mantras help to fulfill desires, to cure diseases. There are special mantras of love, healing, or the so-called mantra of health.

How the mantra helps to relax and calm down

When you meditate or just sit in a comfortable position alone and repeat the same sound in a sing-song hundreds of times, your mind, your brain, focus only on this sound and its reproduction. Thus, all thoughts go from the head, only this sound remains. And even if you do not believe in the esoteric features of these ancient prayers, then their practical use can not be disputed. During a period of stress, a large mental strain, it is useful to switch and relax. But not at all it turns out. A modern person is used to resting behind a computer monitor or in front of a television. But in fact, this rest does not give anything at all. It is important to completely relax the body and release all thoughts for at least ten minutes, then only there will be an effect. And the easiest way to achieve this is through listening and reading mantras. You can turn on the recording with the singing of mantras and first mentally, and then repeat aloud after the performer. You can read in silence or under relaxing music yourself.

How to properly perform mantras

First, do not rush, it is better to stretch sounds, how to sing them. Secondly, it is better to learn the text of the mantra beforehand. Thirdly, you need to focus only on the mantra, on her utterance. Do not let other thoughts into your head. The first time this may seem like a difficult task, but as it is practiced, it will be better. In addition, if you often use mantras, for example, to relax, the brain itself will already connect these two concepts. And hearing a familiar sound, will reflexively calm down and adjust to a wave of relaxation.

Fourthly, one should always practice only one or two mantras. You do not need to change them every day. So it is unlikely to bring tangible benefits. In order to determine the "one's own", you first need to study what kind of mantras are, what it is and why each of them is intended, to understand what exactly is needed for you.

Almost every mantra has its own rules for pronouncing it and even recommendations about what time of day it is better to read it. It is also accepted to read mantras at least 108 times. Or more times, but always a multiple of three. In order not to lose count and not get stuck on it, use beads, which have 108 small beads and one big to understand that the circle has ended. Reading them, easily, without hesitation, fingering one by one after each utterance.

The value has a periodicity or regularity. The effect will be, even if you give the performance of mantras five to ten minutes a day, but daily. But it is unlikely to be of any use if you practice this practice for several hours in a row, but only once a month.

And, of course, you need privacy. That no one and nothing distracted during the "session". And it is important that the posture in which you are at this time is comfortable and that your spine is straight.

The general meaning of mantras

The mantra can be chosen not only for its purpose, but also for its nature. In Hinduism, mantras are appeals to the gods. And the gods also have their own characters. Therefore, even for the same purposes, different people need to choose different sound compositions.

For example, for introverts, the Hindu god Shiva will be closest, and, accordingly, prayers addressed to him. For example, "Om Namah Shivaya" is a mantra for tuning to a wave of calm and relaxation. It is translated approximately as reverence or praise to the god Shiva.

Mantras dedicated to Krsna are more suitable for extroverts. For example: "Om Klim Krishna Govinday Gopijan Vallabhai Swaha".

If you can not decide what type of yourself to be, then there are also universal mantras. For example, the Vedic "Om Bhoor Bhuvah Matchah Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nakh Prachodayat." It is a mantra for health, strengthening of mental faculties and for tranquility. It is called the mantra Gayatri, and it is best to read it at sunrise, turning to face him.

The principles of the mantra: what is it and what for?

From Sanskrit, "mantra" translates as "liberation of the mind". And it is necessary for this, first of all, to free the mind from all negative. And this, in turn, leads not only to spiritual growth, but also to the purification of the body. It has long been proven by scientists that all our diseases, roughly speaking, from nerves, and more correctly, from our thoughts, from the negativity that we take in ourselves and carry in ourselves for years, and even decades, without knowing how to Get rid of him. So, with the regular and correct pronunciation of these ancient prayers in Sanskrit, you can gradually get rid of not only the stress that arose recently, but also from the long-standing negative accumulations of emotions and thoughts in our minds and minds. And this is due to sound vibrations, so you need to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. It should start with the oldest and most simple sound "Om", or in another "Aum". And it needs to be pronounced on exhale, trying to direct air to the bottom of the stomach. Also, this mantra, and any other one should be practiced only with an empty stomach, that is, either before eating, or at least 2.5 hours after.

The mantra works not only due to sound, but also due to a change in the ratio of oxygen and carbon in the body. To pronounce sounds correctly, you need to breathe in a certain way, which contributes to a positive effect on the brain and on the body as a whole. In terms of breathing, this is similar to pranayama - the yogic practice of healthful breathing.

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