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Malamute dog breed: general information about the Alaskan "bear"
In appearance, these are plush, good-natured dogs, but in reality very strong and hardy animals. The malamute dog breed appeared thanks to the ancient tribe of the Malmute. They lived in the state of Alaska near the river Anvik.
The breed of dogs Alaskan Malamute differs friendly character and excellent mental abilities. True, stubbornness and willfulness are also present. To bring up such a pet, you need to work hard. In some cases, even the help of a qualified instructor-cynologist may be required, otherwise the animal will "fit comfortably" around your neck. From an early age it is necessary to accustom a dog to other animals, otherwise it can have a hunting instinct or aggression towards them.
Another instinct of such dogs is to constantly dig the earth. This is their most favorite occupation. They used to do this in order to get a rodent. Therefore, if you start such a dog, do for him a box of sand, in which he can dig up a lot.
The breed of malamute is distinguished by its endurance and energy. Such big "cubs" just love to play. An indispensable condition for a healthy life is a lot of physical activity.
What kind of a breed of dogs is the Alaskan Malamute?
The photo of representatives bewitches with its beauty, grace and power. In appearance, these are strong dogs with strong legs, developed musculature and tight paws, thanks to which they can easily move through the snow. They have a triangular shape erect ears, a wide head, a fluffy tail.
The wool of malamutes is coarse, dense. An interesting feature is that it does not let moisture pass, and in summer and spring it becomes shorter and less dense. Colors can be different. As a rule, these are combinations of four colors: white, black, gray and red. A distinctive feature is a mark on the face or top of the head. The only acceptable one-color color is white. The weight of such dogs is on average 36 kg, and the height at the withers is about 63 cm. Malamutes are always energetic, they are interested in everything that happens around them. Their eyes are brown, blue is a major drawback.
The dog breed malamute is perfect for a family, as with children such animals get along. The only thing you need is proper upbringing.
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