Arts & Entertainment, Films
List of films about racing on cars and motorcycles. Movies about the Russian race: list
The list of films about the race, opened in the middle of the last century, is constantly updated with new interesting pictures. Speed, drive, adrenaline - features that allow such projects to enthrall millions of viewers. Those who are engaged in searching for stories about competitions on the road will help the following review.
List of films about the race: retro
Old paintings are not able to compete with modern projects in terms of special effects, but this does not deprive them of attractiveness in the eyes of fans of the genre. Those who are interested in films about the race, a list of the best works can be replenished, including a fantastic thriller "Mad Max" (1979). The action-packed picture is good not only for the participation of the young Mel Gibson, but also for the fascinating scenario.
This project is not included in the list of films about street races, rather, it is a battle for life. The action takes place in the future, after the catastrophe that struck the human civilization. The roads were filled with biker bandit formations, creating arbitrariness. Only Max can oppose them - a young policeman, endangering not only his life, but also the safety of his family.
Making a list of films about the race, we must not forget about including the "Grand Prix" there: American cinema became a bright event in 1966. Qualitatively withdrawn competition, familiarity with the world of professional athletes, exciting love stories. Fans of the genre must watch.
Fast and the Furious: Modern Classics
Quite often, successful pictures that win spectator sympathies receive new and new sequels. If you list the famous films about the race, the list of best will necessarily include a mention of all parts of the "Fast and Furious". The first story became available to the public in 2001, the eighth promise in 2017.
A police officer who works undercover gets an assignment to infiltrate a group of riders suspected by the authorities in criminal activity. Thanks to his excellent driving skills, Brian easily achieves the sympathy of Dominic, the leader of the gang. But there is also a problem, which becomes an unexpected attraction to the main sister.
The subsequent parts are a continuation of the story of the heroes who fell in love with the public. In the list of films about the race, which is definitely worth a look, you can safely include each of them.
Action, crime
"Gone in 60 seconds" is an entertaining story of a thief in Memphis specializing in car theft and is considered the best in this field. You can see the old version or stop at the remake of her 2000 remake, starring Nicolas Cage. The list of films about the race without this picture will not be complete.
The brother of Memphis will die if he does not fulfill the difficult task of a dangerous criminal group. Together with friends, he must hijack 50 elite cars, meeting the one night. The situation is complicated by the police, who do not stop watching the professional hijacker. How will Memphis, caught between the two fires, manage to get out and not lose his brother?
Those who are looking for fascinating movies about cars and racing, the list of the best can be replenished with the picture "Carrier" (2002). Frank, whose role is played by Jason State, there are three rules, the violations of which he avoids. However, the situation forced him to neglect one of the conditions - not to look at the load he had taken to deliver. This "load" was a young girl, bound and placed in the trunk. From that moment everything went wrong.
Thriller, fantasy about racing
The theme related to road contests is also attractive for the creators of thrillers, fantastic stories. "The Death Race" is a picture in which a civilization is considered that can not cope with the global financial crisis. The collapse turned into widespread unemployment, streets were filled with criminals, prison institutions were transferred to self-sufficiency.
One of the prisons is in the full power of the director of Hennessy, bloodthirsty and ruthless. The source of his income - the race, which participants are forced to become prisoners. The most valuable thing for prisoners is the release. The entertainment of such entertainment made them popular outside the prison walls, provided television broadcasting. There is also a new participant with a difficult fate, forced to replace the deceased star in regular competitions.
The above picture is not limited to action-packed films about the race, the list should contain and Need for Speed ("Thirst for speed"). The main character is Toby Marshall, the best auto mechanic on the planet, in love with his work and machines. In parallel with the car repair, he participates in prohibited competitions on the road. After a partner in the workshop of Dino substitutes him, Toby is forced to spend two years in prison. The original plan of revenge for a former friend is directly related to racing.
Comedy about the race
"Turboforsazh" - released in 2004, a comedy with elements of a thriller. Her main characters are desperate daredevil who possess a heaped car. Driving at maximum speed is a drug, without which they can not do without. Unfortunately, the ubiquitous police constantly interrupt night competitions, besides suspects friends in the hijacking of expensive cars.
The plot is really interesting, which allows you to add a tape to the best movies about racing on cars, the list of which is limited. After unsuccessful attempts to detain the violators, a police inspector is assaulted in them. He manages to subdue everyone, including the charming Nicky, who controls the elusive "BMW M3". After finding out that the new friends in the thefts are not to blame, Carl develops a plan that solves all problems. The only way out is to detain the criminal group on its own to return to the favorite races without obstacles.
Dramas, melodramas
The next picture will appeal to viewers who prefer dramatic stories based on genuine events. "Race" - a project that narrates about the "duel" of two participants of the "Formula-1". For several years Nicky Laud had no competitors, until the talented James Hunt appeared. The victory this year will no longer be as simple as before. In addition, the accident, in the center of which is the permanent champion, takes him out of action. Despite a quick return to the arena, catching up and overtaking the opponent will be very difficult.
The picture came out in 2013, so it can already take in the collection of those who "collect" movies about racing on cars. The list from this will only benefit. Watching a movie is worth even to those who know the story and its ending. The clash in the arena of two completely opposite personalities, united only by a passion for victory, is very interesting.
French Race
"Taxi" - a popular French comedy, created by Luc Besson. The first part was published in 1998. One of the main characters is taxi driver Daniel, who does not represent his life without high-speed driving, in which viewers can personally verify at the very beginning of the work. When he drives on his "Peugeot" through the streets of Marseille, everyone flies in fear.
Another hero is the policeman Emilen, who does not take bribes. He needs Daniel's help in capturing an elusive criminal group, constantly leading the police by the nose. Its members have so far successfully disappeared, moving away from the pursuit of flying Mercedes. But will there be any luck on their side?
The continuation of the exciting history appeared already in 2000. It all begins with the arrival in the country of the Japanese Defense Minister, who wants to exchange experience in preventing terror, to conclude an agreement on mutual assistance. It is not surprising that the mafia group does not want this. To break the treaty, its participants take the official prisoner. It will be necessary to rescue Emilen, who Daniel still helps.
Russian films
The stories of road adventures are not only released abroad. It is worth paying attention to this phenomenon as the films about the Russian race, the list of which is not too great. "Streetracers" - an action movie, shot by Oleg Fesenko in 2008. The main roles in it went to Alexei Chadov and Marina Alexandrova.
The plot of the picture will seem familiar to all fans of stories about racing. In the center of it - street racers, whose life is empty and boring without a high-speed ride. Love for a dangerous past brought together people different from each other. Dokker and Stepan are born racers who can not do without adrenaline for a long time. However, if the first is ready to go on the heads for the acquisition of a fee, the second higher puts his own principles.
Voltage increases when athletes are offered easy money - the massive hijacking of expensive cars, which must be done in one evening. There is also a love triangle, since Doker's girlfriend throws him for Stepan's sake.
Motorcycle racing
Not only car owners are able to enjoy speed, but bikers also have this opportunity. Those who like movies about motorcycle racing, the list should definitely be added, adding "Twisting moment". An avid biker Keri is accused of a crime in which he is not involved.
To avoid prison and revenge of the relatives of the deceased person, the motorcyclist has to look for a real criminal.
What else to see
Those who like movies about racing on cars, the list can be supplemented with documentary films. For example, it is worth paying attention to the picture "Senna". This story is dedicated to Ayrton Senna, famous for the participant of the "Formula 1". The racer received in his circle the nickname "Rain Man", associated with his ability to cope with management in any weather. The film is interesting not only for the personality of the athlete, but also for his competition with another outstanding champion, Alain Prost.
Any of the "racing" films described above, is able to provide the audience a pleasant evening.
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