Homeliness, Interior Design
What is bed linen for us? We do not go into the street, we do not show it to any of our friends or acquaintances. It is peacefully covered with a veil all day. But how pleasant it is in the evening, after a hard day and a hot bath with foam, to dig into clean, fresh and fragrant sheets. And especially for you in the stores "Old Man Hottabych" expanded their range through two wonderful brands; Famille and Valtery.
Speaking of Valtery, this manufacturer has been presenting its collections in Russia since 1999, and is the owner of a large number of awards for the quality of its products. But at the same time, due to the fact that the factories of the company are found in China, it allows, at the highest level of production, to maintain low prices for products. But at the same time, control is carried out by the company itself in high-tech factories, so you can be assured of the quality of both the fabric itself and the tailoring.
Also, it is necessary to mention the novelties from Famille. The design of each collection is exclusively in Italy, where designers are well aware of how to make linen luxurious. The manufacturer selects only the best grades of cotton, and when used only environmentally friendly substances are used. From myself I can say that these are simply masterpieces of design art, and most importantly, natural materials that will give you a healthy and sound sleep. To sleep on such linen and in the winter is warm, and in the summer it is not hot, on it the skin breathes and enjoys softness.
Collections of both brands are selected in such a way as to satisfy the demands of even the most demanding buyer. There is everything, and sexy silk sets, and calling to indulge in passion alcove pleasures, and the lovely Provence motifs of the flora, giving a unique cosiness and freshness to the interior. In other words, fantasy is where. However, it is worth remembering about the price, because the more expensive the material from which the bed linen is made, and the higher the quality of its execution, the correspondingly and higher will the price of the product. The Famille and Valtery brands described by us are more related to middle-class bed linen, although some models can seriously and seriously hit the wallet of the average Russian.
Finally I want to say that sleep should give pleasure, then the body will be able to rest as much as possible from everyday vanity. A real pleasure of sleep can only be obtained by feeling the contact of the skin with good, quality, bed linen.
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