Food and drinkRecipes

Lemoncello at home on vodka: prescription, photo

Liqueurs - a very delicious thing, but, unfortunately, expensive. On the biggest holidays you can be pampered, however, when you see prices, it becomes sad. I'm glad that you can make drinks yourself. For example, "Limoncello" at home on a vodka is able to cook even a person very far from the art of cooking.

Italian holiday of the soul

If anyone does not know, the name Limoncello hides world-famous Italian lemon liqueur with a very distinctive taste. For his authorship, several provinces of Italy are fighting at once, including island ones - Capri, Sicily and Ischia. It is firmly known only that a "drink" was born in the south of the country and gradually acquired the status of a national one.

From other liquors the Italian property is distinguished by three features. First, it is equated to strong drinks, since it has a 40-percent degree. Other "class mates" are usually much easier. Secondly, Limoncello can be called the most useful of all alcoholic beverages: a huge amount of vitamin C, transferred to it from citrus, increases the weakened immunity and helps the body to safely resist colds. True, do not forget that Limoncello is still alcohol. However, if during the epidemic to take it a day in a pile, the chance of getting sick is significantly reduced. And thirdly, "Limoncello" (Italian liquor) at home is done without any difficulties. It does not require any special conditioning conditions, no exotic ingredients - lemons, sugar, vodka and patience.

Quick Recipe

There are several ways how to make "Limoncello" at home. The least effort is given to the winemaker by the express method. Take an average bottle of good vodka (750 ml), a glass of water, six lemons and two thirds of a faceted glass of sugar (about 150 grams). Lemons directly with a skin turn through a meat grinder (only ossicles it is necessary to take out). Sugar is brewed from water and sugar. Without waiting for its cooling, lemon puree is added, and after vymeshivaniya vodka is poured into the mixture.

The recipe has certain drawbacks.

  1. "Limoncello", cooked in this way, almost immediately crystallizes in the freezer.
  2. Liquor has a bitter taste.
  3. He must insist for a whole month, so he will be ready at about the same time as he delivered by a more patient person.

So if you want to "Limoncello" at home to cook quickly, it is better to use the recipe below, but instead of taking vodka, take medical alcohol. When using it, the infusion time is halved.

The correct recipe for Lemoncello at home from vodka: the first stage

It will take several approaches to make the Italian liquor. But the taste will be authentic and soft, and the drink - not complicated by any difficulties.

The first thing washed and scalded (in case of wax treatment) lemons are dried and get rid of the peel. To remove it you need not a grater, but a sharp knife, but so that you do not cut a white layer. She is the one who gives the bitterness drink. If you accidentally cut it off, carefully scrape off the yellow crust.

Further, the preparation of Lemoncello from vodka at home is to fold the peel into a clean jar, fill it with vodka and seal it - the lid must be tightly ground. An approximate calculation of the components - half a glass of zest for half a liter of vodka. You need to insist on a liqueur in a dark place for at least a week. In general, the longer you wait, the more aromatic will be your liquor. Every day, the container should be shaken well to mix lemon crusts.

The second stage: syrup

When you find that "Limoncello" at home on vodka has been enough, you can take the next step. The strong syrup is cooked: the water should be only a quarter more than the volume of sugar (for example, 650 ml of liquid per half kilo of bulk). However, if you are not a big fan of sweet, the ratio of products can vary. When the sugar dissolves to the end, the syrup cools down to ambient temperature. The semi-finished product "Limoncello" is filtered through a very dense sieve or several layers of gauze. Crusts are also pressed into a new container. The tincture is poured over the syrup, the ingredients are mixed.

Finishing stage

When the splitting of liquids is no longer observed in the connecting vessel, almost ready "Limoncello" at home on vodka is poured through a funnel in bottles (preferably beautiful), which should be tightly sealed. The liquor is sent to its original place for another five days. If you like more sweet drinks, you can increase the aging time, if not - immediately after the end of the allotted period, remove the liquor in the refrigerator.


This version of "Limoncello" on vodka at home will especially appeal to the ladies. The liquor turns out to be much softer, with a delicate creamy taste, however, very sweet. The beginning of its preparation is similar: with 7-8 lemons neatly cut off the peel and poured vodka in the volume of 700 milliliters. The dummy is clogged and kept warm and dark for about two weeks (of course, it can be longer). But the second stage has cardinal differences. As a liquid base for the syrup, combine half a liter of fresh milk and a similar amount of fatty cream. The mixture on the slowest flame is brought to a boil, the pan is removed from the hotplate and a kilogram of sugar is poured into it. You can sprinkle the syrup with a pinch of vanillin. When the sugar melts finally, the mixture is poured into a strained tincture, mixed and poured over prepared bottles. Further weekly insistence, as well as subsequent storage, is conducted in the refrigerator.

A few tips

If you are doing Limoncello for the first time at home on vodka, pay attention to some nuances.

  1. It is better to take a vodka not simply qualitative, but also stronger than usual, 50-degree. Given that during the preparation and infusion, alcohol will evaporate somewhat, at the outlet you will get the required strength of 40 degrees. Avoid vodka variations with additives.
  2. Lemons are better to take Spanish, thick. With them, you can remove more zest, and it will be much easier.

And do not forget to attach a piece of paper with the indicated dates of the spill. Otherwise it will be difficult to calculate how much you stand your liquor (or its semi-finished product).

Culture of drinking

"Limoncello" - both factory and prepared independently - requires special treatment. Drink it should be extremely cold, and the cooling should be maximum, but not lead to freezing. Therefore, the liquor is usually stored in the refrigerator, and before use for half an hour is placed in the freezer. Moreover, the glasses into which it will be poured, must also be cold. Here it is important to carefully wipe the wine glasses before putting them on the frost, so that they do not get frost on them and do not form an ice crust.

Drink "Limoncello" is recommended in small sips, with the intervals between them and holding the drink in your mouth before swallowing - so it fully reveals the flavor and taste. When the liqueur is swallowed, you should exhale through the nose in order to experience an indescribable aftertaste.

Limoncello drinks only until the glass warms; To not miss this moment, pour a drink you need a little bit. Some to lower the temperature lower the glasses into glasses. Italians believe that this is an outrage over the liquor. Agree with them - it's your business.

Cocktails with Limoncello

As a "root" drink, the homemade Lemoncello on vodka is very good in combination with other ingredients. Cocktails with Italian lemon are varied and pleasant. The best known are such.

- "48 drops". In equal volumes, 30 ml each, Lemonchello, sherry and vodka are poured into a shaker with ice. Cocktail after whipping is filtered into a glass and served with a twist from an orange peel.

"Frosty afternoon." In the neck are loaded 50 ml of good vodka, 30 - home-made liquor and several leaves of mint. Shake it, pour it, decorate it with lime slice - and in the hot noon we feel a pleasant coolness.

- «Sparkling limoncello». Shaker mixes 30 ml of lemon liquor and 20 - orange, plus ice. The mixture of liqueurs is poured into a glass, supplemented with champagne (30 ml) and decorated with lemon rind.

"The Mandarin Dawn." It combines 30 ml of "Limoncello", 20 ml of any white liquor (you can sweet and drink) and 50 ml of only squeezed mandarin juice. Shake the shaker needs more energy, so that all components are mixed well. A drink is served in cocktail glasses.

- "Italian sunrise." It merged both pride of the Italians - Limoncello, which needs to take 10 ml, and Campari in a volume of 20 ml. They are supplemented by a small stack of vodka (35 ml), orange juice and lemon syrup (20 ml each). All this is shaken in a shaker with ice and decorated with lemon zest.

A very ironic name - "Uplift" - has almost the strongest cocktail for which 40 ml of Chacha and Limoncello are poured into a whiskey glass. You need to drink carefully - the strength of the cocktail is only slightly inferior to the usual vodka, although it tastes much nicer and is easier to drink.

As you can see, insisting "Limoncello" at home on vodka makes sense not only for liqueur lovers. The drink will decorate itself and make any party fun.

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