Health, Medicine
Ear piercing: where, how and at what age?
Since time immemorial, one of the most popular ways for girls of all ages to emphasize their beauty and personality was piercing ears and wearing beautiful earrings. Gradually, such jewelry began to wear the status of unisex - now even men with earrings in their ears can no longer cause surprise to anyone, but still earrings have always been and remain largely the prerogative of the female.
Many parents prefer to make piercings in the ears of their daughters in childhood. It is believed that the young body will drag out faster, since regeneration occurs more quickly. However, not everyone treats with tenderness to the sweet earrings inserted into the tender baby's ears - many are outraged by this phenomenon. And in this case, for parents, the main thing is to decide at what age it is better to pierce the child's ears and whether it should be done at all. The reasons why parents subject their children to this procedure can be completely varied: some try to pay homage to the fashion, others can not resist the persuasion of the children themselves, who noticed beautiful earrings in their peers or adults, while others believe that piercing ears and wearing earrings has beneficial effects on the body, the fourth simply satisfy their vanity ... and in this case, the important thing for parents - to forget about their own desires and decide what is the best age, and most useful, and how and where the punctured ears of a child.
To the question "where?" There is a very trivial and logical answer: specialists. If you already decided to pierce the baby's ears, then make sure that the doctor-cosmetologist had a diploma so that he could provide all the necessary documents. It is best to contact the large professional salons dealing with piercing, and in no case should you save - it's the health of your child. The human ears are the organ in which there are a large number of nerve endings. Scientists have proved that a puncture in the wrong place can have a very unfavorable effect on health in general, and in childhood, as is known, health should be treated with special trepidation.
Now let's talk about how to pierce your ears. There are two most common types of ear piercing : ear piercing with a gun and needle. Immediately it is necessary to say that the procedure for creating a puncture with a pistol machine significantly reduces the risk of infection and infection, so now it is gaining increasing popularity, and the more traditional and, it may be said, old way of piercing with a needle is gradually becoming a thing of the past. However, if we are talking about ear piercing at an early age, then you can refer to reflexologists (acupuncturists) who will best cope with the task of making a puncture in the right place.
As for age - doctors advise to pierce the ears of children aged no less than three years. It is after three years that it becomes easier to find the right puncture point. There is also an opinion that this should be done before the age of eleven, since after this age line the probability of developing a keloid is significantly increased (approximately two and a half times) - the tumor-like growth of skin tissues. However, in the end, everything remains on the conscience of the parents. From a moral point of view, it's better to wait for your child to choose how, where and how to pierce his ears, insert earrings and whether or not to make punctures at all.
The main thing - do not hurt: choose a clinic, contact an experienced specialist and properly care for the puncture.
The list of contraindications is small enough: ear piercing is prohibited with eczema, cystic acne and blood diseases and is not recommended for allergic reactions.
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