
Large curls

The large curls giving an endless field for the most daring experiments with hair, and also facilitating always tightening morning marbles, are again in vogue. And this is very joyful, because not every woman can cope with the hair dryer, but winding her hair on curlers is not very clever.

Curl, large curls and small curls in wearing are quite versatile: they will fit as a holiday hairstyle, and will look good as an everyday option. Depending on the mood and the women's attire, they can change the image, and very crucially.

Of course, in order not to suffer, you can go to the hairdresser, but this is not always available and not always convenient. Therefore, there is a more sparing, albeit more labor-intensive way - a home wave.

Any woman at home has handy tools with which you can make large curls. It's a hairdryer, a curling iron, ironing, curlers. Let us recall at least an example of grandmothers, who wound their long hair with curlers.

Today, a great variety of various adaptations for the creation of playful curls, only curlers are produced so much that the eyes scatter. In this case, they have many characteristics, but the main, perhaps, is their size.

Therefore, a reasonable question arises: how to choose hair curlers to avoid making mistakes, and which ones are suitable for long hair, and which ones are for medium?

It is logical that for large curls you need large in diameter devices for wrapping. Many fashionistas, who do not have enough houses for large curlers, combine them with smaller ones, which are wound with lower strands that are invisible in the hairdo.

Those who prefer to have soft waves can get them by winding them on curler boomerangs, which are good for being suitable for any length.

Other curlers for large curls - velvet - at a premium among professional hairdressers and stylists. These adaptations absolutely do not injure the structure of the hair, and their velor surface is pleasant to the scalp.

Curl free waves and dense curls can be done with the help of home ironing. In addition, using it, many women create very original styling and for short hair. For example, they raise the strands at the roots, and then, stretching them between the rectifier webs, make circular motions, slightly bending their ends. In this case, everything depends on the imagination of the mistress of the hairstyle: the width of the strands, and the shape of the curls, and the degree of hair lift.

Unlike simple, the thermalbug helps to get the desired effect much faster, due to the fact that their surface remains warm enough for a long time.

Many women of fashion, the easiest and quickest way to get a volume curls consider the use of a curling rod. Each strand is wound on the tool for only 15-20 seconds, and then fixed with a varnish. Thus, in just ten minutes, you can create a uniform curl along the entire length of the hair.

Certainly, ideal large curls are obtained in salon conditions, however, in this case it is also necessary to remember that bio-procedures are not always safe and affect the structure of the hair. This especially applies to a chemical wave, which is strictly forbidden for pregnant, nursing mothers, for hormonal treatment and even for critical days.

Although it must be said that today, hairdressers make a biotic, which is much safer than that made by our mothers and grandmothers.

Best stylish large curls are obtained as a result of biochemical perm, which was created a little more than ten years ago, replacing aggressive substances - ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and toiglycolic acid - with a cystine analogue. By treating hair with a new substance, which contains amino acids, it is possible to give them elasticity and maintain their integral structure.

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