HealthDiseases and Conditions

Kidneys are ... Where is the kidney? Kidney disease - symptoms

Kidneys are the two organs of the human body, each consisting of a parenchyma (organ tissue) and a firm capsule. Also in their composition is a system that accumulates and evacuates urine from the body. The capsule of the kidney is a dense cover, consisting of a connective tissue that covers the organ from the outside. The parenchyma is the outer cortical layer and the brain substance inside the organ. The system in the kidneys, accumulating urine, consists of cups. They fall into the pelvis. The latter, in turn, directly passes into the ureter.

Location of the kidneys

Where is the kidney? This question interests everyone who feels pain in the approximate area of their location. Kidneys are located in each person in the abdominal cavity, between the third and eleventh vertebrae of the lumbar region. One - on the left side, the second - with the right. In the body of a woman, the kidneys are slightly lower than those of men. The left bean-like organ is located above the right, as it is slightly biased by the liver. This variant of kidney location is generalized. In fact, it is individual. Therefore, when answering the question of where the kidneys are in a person, it should be taken into account that they can be higher, lower, left, and right of the generally accepted norm. However, not all such cases relate to deviations or signs of ailment. Some people in the body have only one kidney.

Kidney parameters

Kidneys are organs, each of which has a length of 10 to 12, a thickness of about 4, a width of about 5-6 centimeters. The weight of each organ is from 120 to 200 grams. The kidneys are dense in structure. They visually resemble beans and are painted in brown or dark brown color. The right kidney is slightly shorter than the left kidney. As already mentioned above, it is slightly below its pair. This arrangement makes the right kidney more vulnerable. It is easier to treat various diseases. The size of the kidneys can be increased. The cause is the inflammatory processes in them.

Symptom of uncertain character

When the kidneys hurt, what symptoms can the symptoms manifest in this way? The one who has ever visited this state, wants to know the answer to this question and one more - how to deal with it? In this case, it should be determined whether the pain is a sign of kidney pathology. After all, pain in the lumbar region of the back often indicates other pathologies. Accept for deviations in the work of the kidneys may impair the performance of the following systems: sexual, nervous, musculoskeletal, other organs located in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, do not follow any self-medication when any pain occurs in the lumbar region. Kidneys are organs whose improper treatment of diseases can lead to unpredictable consequences. Some of their pathologies require urgent diagnosis and the help of qualified medics.

Symptomatic of renal ailments

When the kidneys are sick, the symptoms of diseases of these organs can be manifested by the following signs:

1. Arthrosis arises in the lower back.

2. Blood appears in the turbid urine.

3. The body temperature increases.

4. Increases blood pressure.

5. There is weakness, thirst, loss of appetite, dryness in the mouth.

6. Puffiness develops on the face, especially under the eyes, and also on the legs.

7. Fluids accumulate in the abdominal cavity.

In case of detection of one or several such symptoms in combination with pain in the lumbar region of the back, immediately consult a urologist.

Kidney Diseases

Kidneys are organs that have many pathologies. Most often they are found hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, nephroptosis, urolithiasis. Renal failure is also quite common.


This pathology is the most common inflammatory kidney disease. These organs are extremely sensitive to the effects of pathological microorganisms that can penetrate them through the bloodstream. Also, pathogenic bacteria often enter the kidneys from a foci of inflammation that has arisen in the uterus, its appendages, in the lungs or intestines, in the urethra, the bladder or the prostate gland (in men). As a result, they begin to develop a purulent process.

If the disease progresses slowly and has a wavy character (periodically exacerbated by hypothermia, fatigue or decreased immunity), then it is a chronic pyelonephritis.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis, or urolithiasis, is a disease caused by the appearance of stones in the kidneys. Just like pyelonephritis, this ailment is considered one of the most common diseases in urology.

It can develop due to the hot climate, food characteristics (for example, monotonous, sour or spicy food), the use of hard water with excessive amounts of salts. Also, the causes of urolithiasis include diseases of the stomach and intestines, bones, organs of the genitourinary system.


Most likely, you have heard about such phenomena as kidney wandering or its mobility or descent. In medicine, these types of pathologies are called "nephroptosis." In the case of the omission of the kidney, it can acquire the ability to rotate around its own axis. This phenomenon causes the bending and stretching of the vessels. As a consequence, they are disturbed by the circulation of lymph and blood. Women are more prone to nephroptosis.

Developing ailment due to sudden weight loss, injuries, hard work of a physical nature, which requires being in a vertical position, a constant driving behind the wheel.

Renal insufficiency

This condition is characterized by partial or complete discontinuance of kidney function. At the same time, the balance of electrolytes and water, urea, creatinine and other acids accumulate in the blood in the body. Due to the influence on the bean-shaped organ of drugs, poisonous substances, in the case of complications when trying to interrupt pregnancy and some other factors, development of renal insufficiency of acute form is not excluded. To cause this pathology of a chronic nature can also diabetes, pyelonephritis, gout, intoxication with antibiotics, mercury, lead, kidney anomalies and some other factors.


The kidney is enlarged in the case of a pathological condition, when its cavity is stretched due to an impaired outflow of urine. Such a deviation is called hydronephrosis. When this disease progresses, the parenchyma of the kidney becomes atrophic and, as a consequence, its functional capacity decreases. Often the pathology is observed in women 25-35 years of age.

Hydronephrosis is divided into two types. Primary is a consequence of congenital anomalies of the urinary system, secondary arises because of the complications of any of the diseases in it.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys

When there is pain in the lumbar region of the back, the cause can be identified only by this method. During the ultrasound, you can determine how the kidneys are located, the organs themselves, what they have contours, shape, structure, size; Track the presence of neoplasms, the condition of the parenchyma.

Preparing for ultrasound of the kidneys

There are some rules that should be followed before performing an ultrasound.

Elimination of flatulence

In the case of a tendency to bloating (flatulence), follow the diet for the three days preceding the procedure. It is also necessary to use 2-4 tablets per day of activated carbon or "Espumizan", "Filtrum" (according to the instructions for use). The diet is based on the exclusion of products that promote the formation of gases - fruits and vegetables, dairy products, legumes, black bread, carbonated drinks and others.

In the absence of a predilection for flatulence, it is recommended to adhere to the diet described above without the addition of drugs for three days before the ultrasound of the kidneys. Sometimes a doctor prescribes a cleansing enema, which should be placed in the evening and in the morning before the procedure.

Drinking and hygiene

Approximately one hour before the ultrasound examination, drink up to a liter of water. At the beginning of the procedure, the bladder should be filled. If you endure an hour after drinking is difficult, you can empty the bladder a little and re-use non-carbonated liquid.

It is recommended to have a towel with you. Not every office provides a sufficient number of napkins to wipe the gel applied to the body with ultrasound of the kidneys. Also, in order not to stain expensive clothes, it is recommended to give preference to the simpler items of the wardrobe.

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