LawHealth and Safety

Justification of the safety of the production facility and equipment

The justification of the safety of machines and other complex aggregates is formed to confirm their compliance with the provisions of regulatory documents. The procedure for drawing up the document requires certain requirements. Let's consider further how its development is carried out.

Safety rationale: general information

This document contains a risk analysis and information from design, operational acts. They establish the minimum necessary security measures for equipment or machines at all stages of the life cycle. The document is supplemented with the results of the risk assessment at the operational stage after the repair. The rationale for the safety of a hazardous production facility is drawn up by the designer. This document acts as an integral part of a set of securities for products. It is used to assess product safety at all stages of its life cycle.

Title page

The technical regulations, approved by the governmental Resolution No. 753 of September 15, 2009, establish the requirements for the design of the document in question. In particular, on the title page, on the left, the object code is located in accordance with the all-Russian classifier. Below are:

  1. Approving signature.
  2. The name of the product (indicated in capital letters).
  3. Title of the document: "Justification of safety".
  4. The designation of the act.
  5. Signatures of compilers.

Tables, drawings and diagrams reflecting individual provisions of the document are executed on sheets of A0-A4 format. It is allowed to use pages of a different size in accordance with the ESKD.


It is assigned by the compiler in accordance with GOST 2.201. The use of the system adopted before the introduction of the specified state standard is allowed. It is recommended, in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD, to form the designation by adding a code to the name of the main design document, in accordance with which a safety justification is drawn up. Example: designation of the specification for the plunger pump - PN 200-00-000. Accordingly, the document will be indicated as PN 200-00-000 OB.


The sections from which the safety justification (the hazardous production facility including) consists, can be formed in one document or in separate volumes depending on the volume. After putting the aggregates into operation, the act must reflect their actual condition and take into account all changes made to the project. The composition of the sections, and also their content, depending on the type and purpose of the facilities, is determined by the originator in accordance with the features of the articles. If necessary, the justification of industrial safety can be supplemented by additional items.

It is also possible to exclude certain sections from the document, as well as to combine several of them into one. The safety rationale should be designed in such a way that the need for additional study of operational, design and design papers is eliminated. The information in the sections should be present in the proper amount. It is detailed to the extent necessary to justify organizational or other security solutions. At the same time, information on compliance with requirements should not have a declarative nature.

The compiler provides documentary evidence of the implementation of activities included in the safety case. The equipment must be described in accordance with the accompanying documents. In this case, a reference is made to them, indicating the authors, originating organization, type, year of issue, identification number or archival number of each paper.

Important points

When making a safety case, you should avoid repeating the information. To prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to specify links to the corresponding items or sections. Information about the performed calculations, analyzes should confirm the effectiveness of measures aimed at ensuring safety. The rationale must contain accepted assumptions, schemes, results, baseline data, their interpretation, and conclusions. It is allowed to specify references to documents in which these parameters are present.


It should include information on the name of the equipment, its purpose, scope of application, and operating conditions. The introduction specifies information about the drafters of the OB, documents, which confirm their qualifications. The last, in particular, are copies of licenses. In the safety justification, a brief summary of research and development and research works is included.

Key parameters

In accordance with the rules, which establishes the technical regulations, the first section of the OB provides:

  1. The main characteristics of installations. In particular, they include a model, a brand, a kind.
  2. Illustrations of units with mounting, overall, connecting dimensions. If necessary, the diagrams and drawings to which the links indicate are allowed to be placed in the annex to the document.
  3. Description of configuration.

For installations that after a specific period may pose a threat to the health / life of citizens, nature or cause damage to property, a designated resource is established, the period of operation and storage, at the end of which use should be terminated. In this case, the actual state of the aggregates will not matter.

Security: general principles

They are given in the second section of the OB. In the safety case, a description of the principles laid down in the design of the plants at the design and production stage is included. In this case, their compliance with standards or the results of calculations, tests, certificates for components, etc. is indicated. This information should give unambiguous confirmation:

  1. Implementing provisions to ensure passive and environmental safety.
  2. Analysis of the likely predictable threats and experience of using analogs.
  3. Accounting for the permissible risk in operation.
  4. Implementing the principles of ergonomics.
  5. Accounting for restrictions imposed on operator actions in the application of PPE.
  6. Implementation of the principles of the use of substances, materials and raw materials that do not pose a threat to life / health, property of citizens, as well as nature.
  7. Establish a sufficient and necessary level of reliability of the units.
  8. Implementing the principles of limited personnel intervention in the operation of facilities. If it can not be avoided, contact with the units should be as safe as possible.

Reliability requirements

In this section, the nomenclature and the meaning of the parameters are given in the following sequence:

  1. Complex or single indicators of maintainability and reliability.
  2. Durability.
  3. Retentivity.

It also describes the limitations or requirements for operational and constructive methods of ensuring reliability. If necessary, their economic expediency is taken into account.

Criteria for plant failures

Their definition should be specific and clear. They should provide easy detection of failures visually or using diagnostic tools. Failure criteria are formulated to unambiguously understand the state of aggregates when specifying operational requirements and reliability. Typical signs can be:

  1. Stop execution by setting the specified functions, reducing power, performance, sensitivity, etc., beyond acceptable limits.
  2. Distortion of information at the output of products, which include electronic devices.
  3. External manifestations that indicate an offensive or the prerequisites for the occurrence of failures. Among them, in particular, include knocking, noise, overheating, vibration, the release of chemical compounds, etc.

Requirements for staff / users

In this section, OBs specify the rules of conduct of employees, the criteria for qualification, the characteristics of the psycho-physiological state, etc. Here, too, is defined the circle of persons who belong to the personnel involved in working with the equipment. When determining the requirements, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. The level of professional training and qualifications, the amount of theoretical knowledge, as well as the ability to use them in practice.
  2. Psychological qualities.
  3. Knowledge of the governing and regulatory documents regulating professional activity.
  4. Health status.
  5. Restrictions on age.


The industrial examination is carried out taking into account the provisions of GOST. The following steps are included in the analysis:

  1. Identification of threats.
  2. Risk assessment.
  3. Formulation of recommendations to reduce the likelihood of a threat.

In the process of choosing the method of analysis, one should take into account its tasks and objectives, the complexity of the objects under study, the availability of the required skills of specialists, and the completeness of the data provided.

Threat Identification

As its main task is the identification and description of all sources of danger, as well as scenarios for its implementation. During the design process, probable types of threats are identified at all stages of the life cycle. This is necessary to ensure safety:

  • Mechanical.
  • Electrical.
  • Thermal.
  • Fire.
  • Industrial.
  • Radiation and nuclear.
  • Explosion protection, etc.

The result of identification is:

  1. List of unwanted events.
  2. Description of sources, risk factors, as well as the conditions of occurrence and scenarios of development.
  3. Preliminary threat assessments.
  4. Development of recommendations for reducing the likelihood of catastrophes.

Risk assessment

Its main tasks are:

  1. Determining the frequency of initiating and other undesirable events.
  2. Analysis of the consequences of threats.
  3. Generalization of estimates.

Requirements for registration

The results of the analysis should be justified and described in such a way that the performed calculations and the conclusions obtained from them can be repeated and checked by specialists who did not participate in the initial assessment. The section should specify:

  1. List of performers. The names of their positions, scientific degrees are given here. The name of the organization is also indicated.
  2. Annotation.
  3. Table of contents.
  4. Goals and objectives of the analysis.
  5. Characteristics of the object under study.
  6. The methodology of the analysis, the initial limitations and assumptions in which the work is performed.
  7. Description of the methods used in the assessment, the models of accidents, the rationale for their application.
  8. Results of threat identification.
  9. Uncertainty analysis.
  10. Generalization of estimates.
  11. Recommendations for reducing the likelihood of a disaster.
  12. Conclusion.

Measures to reduce the probability of accidents

They are selected depending on the analysis of identified threats. Among the measures may include:

  1. Making constructive changes.
  2. Additional lighting of units.
  3. Stability and safety of packaged units.
  4. Reliability of control systems in all operating modes under any external influences provided for in the operational documentation.

Other measures may be envisaged in the CB. In particular, the document describes activities aimed at protecting personnel in contact with equipment, emergency stop equipment, methods of maintenance and repair.

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