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Is there any reason to worry if the feces of the newborn are green?

Naturally, a child can not tell mom and dad on his own what's bothering him, why he cries, what he's experiencing. Therefore, the state of his excrement becomes a real indicator - by studying the contents of his diaper or pot, you can find out how his digestive system functions, whether his tummy is in order. The chair of the baby is not always stable - for example, often the feces of the newborn are green. Let's try to understand together what explains such atypical coloring.

Calve newborn, green stool and his condition

The color of feces in a baby is directly dependent on its diet (in principle, as well as in adults). According to pediatricians, if the feces of the newborn are green, this may be due to several factors. First, it is possible that during a breast-feeding, the child does not get back milk (it is considered more nutritious and caloric). Most likely, you take him too early from the breast - you must wait until he completely empties it. The feces of the green color in the newborn indicate the fact that the nursing mother does not adhere to the diet, abuses fatty and spicy dishes. If you keep your baby on artificial feeding, there is nothing surprising in the strange color of the feces - this is the natural reaction of the body to the excess iron, which is part of most feed mixtures. The same effect, by the way, gives the reception of antibiotics.

Are there reasons for the excitement?

If you find that the feces of the newborn are green, do not immediately get scared and collect a medical consultation around the baby's crib. First, observe how he behaves. Remember what you ate recently. Did they offer anything to the forbidden child? Perhaps a couple of days ago you were eating a salad with fresh herbs? Then you have no reasons for concern. In the case if the baby has diarrhea and his feces have a characteristic smell of foulbroods, this indicates certain problems. Most likely, the baby has an intestinal microflora, that is, in simple terms, a dysbacteriosis has developed. Then you will need a medical examination, and as soon as possible. Try not to delay the visit to the hospital - diarrhea can lead to increased fever and even dehydration.

How to help the child?

The feces of the newborn are green? You can do something to normalize the color and consistency of the stool. First, carefully monitor your diet. Women who breastfeed often suffer very hard nutritional restrictions, but think: because from now on you are responsible not only for yourself, but for one more little man. Try at least for a while to abandon the products that can provoke fermentation. If you are undergoing artificial feeding, try changing the mixture - perhaps the one that is used now does not fit the baby. Always consult a pediatrician beforehand. If problems with digestion are accompanied by general lethargy, weakness, the child is capricious and cries all the time, call the doctor at home. Most likely, he will appoint special lactobacilli.

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