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The work (short content) "The most important thing", Zoshchenko Mikhail. In a man everything should be fine

Mikhail Zoshchenko is known primarily for his satirical works, but he was also a wonderful children's writer. The work that we offer the reader, of course, is strongly sustained in the Soviet spirit, but this does not spoil it at all, and even vice versa. So, today in the center of our attention is the short story "The Most Important" of Zoshchenko.

The boy who was afraid of everything

The main character of Zoshchenko's narrative, Red-haired Andrew is a wonderful boy. One trouble: he is always tormented by fear for anything. This, of course, saddens his mother, because a man must be brave. She says that only brave people are held in high esteem, and nobody likes such cowards like him, and nowhere will these poor comrades find their place. Then Andrew says that from that day he will not be afraid anymore and will become brave, like Hercules .

Our Red-haired hero went into the yard where the guys were. The children, unfortunately, used Andryushkin's weakness and constantly shuffled and bullied him, and he only roared, but this time the boy said to his abusers: "Hey, you, today you will not touch me." The children pretended to be frightened, and she turned her usual ritual with Andrew, and the hero was usually upset and ran to Mama.

This is how Ryzhenkoi failed for the first time, and Zoshchenko's "most important" work (short summary) tells us about this truthfully.

One courage is not enough

If this story was written by A.S. Pushkin, then my mother would have said to her son: "You're a fool, you stupid ...". But, to our mutual joy, Zoshchenko wrote her, so his mother caressed her son and after he calmed down, she said softly: "Silly little son, courage must be attached also to strength." Andrew learned the lesson and went again to prove his worth.

I wonder what else contains a brief content? "The most important thing" Zoshchenko - surprisingly sweet and kind history.

Fight with the dog

To become strong, Andryushka took a stick with him and went out into the yard, but the guys were no longer there, but he was waiting for an even more worthy and dangerous opponent - a black dog. Her boy was always afraid. And he decided to check the cocktail out of courage and strength on it, having previously threatened the beast that if he barked at him, then he would not be happy.

Unfortunately Ryzhenko, dogs are not trained in the Russian language, and even in some fairy tales they do not speak and understand human speech, much less in children's realistic stories. The battle was noble, but Andrew again got from the dog, and he followed the well-known route.

In no way carries the boy, but not yet finished a short summary. "The most important thing" Zoshchenko can still come to the end well.

Courage and strength are too few, you also need the mind

The boy again complained to his mother, the parent said that the boy himself is to blame, for there was no need to act rashly and anger the dog, swinging a shelf in front of her. You need to think about what you are doing, and, accordingly, apply courage and strength in the right direction. The boy ran from the house away, promising to be more circumspect.

Will this luck smile this time Andryushka? Only the one who has read Zoshchenko's "Most Important" to the end knows this. But there is another way: to reach the end of this article.

The case on the river

Andrew ran out into the yard to see where the other boys were, and they were on the river, and one of them was drowning. Andrew cried out to him that he was not worried about anything, the boy was going to save him. But remembering the words of his mother, he realized that he himself was swimming badly, so you need to take a boat. She was standing by the shore. The boy sat in it, pushed away from the shore, but he did not take into account only that he does not know how to work oars. The current carried his boat to the middle of the river. On Andryushka's happiness and the drowning boy, fishermen were nearby, they rescued the failed drowned man and rescuer.

Why does the boy do not get out, does Mom know what she has not told her son yet? The answer is, until the end of the short content of the work "The most important thing" Zoshchenko is very little.

"Learn, learn and study again," as the great Lenin bequeathed

The boy, upset, comes to his mother, says he was brave (he decided to save), and strong (pushed the boat offshore), and clever (did not rush into the river because he does not swim well), but still failed. Mom remembers and says: "I did not tell you the most important thing. It's not enough to be brave, smart and strong, you need to know a lot and know how to swim (to swim, for example) in order to earn respect from people, so you need to learn to acquire knowledge, so study, son, and everything will be fine. "

And then, at Red's Andrew, grace came down, and he promised his mother to study diligently. Here, finally, M. Zoshchenko said the most important thing in his work.


Yes, this is a fairy tale, but it correctly guides the younger generation. Of course, the Soviet state had a goal - to educate an ideal person who is both strong and intelligent, brave and smart, and the key to all these qualities is only one - education.

It is indisputable that this is a bright, good and quite achievable ideal, given the Soviet education system. It seems that M. Zoshchenko understood this too. "Most important" he wrote with inspiration and without tension.

Now, of course, the main moral of the fairy tale remains relevant, but now the world teaches a person a little bit differently, namely: a person must do something very well, and then he will be in demand, because he will be a piece specialist, unique, Still the same - education.

If we compare two ideologies, Soviet and Russian, then, of course, the first one gave a more advantageous human product than the second (so that there could be no doubt about the validity of such an assertion, one can compare at least the scientific achievements of the two states).

The main characters of the fairy tale

The story is good in that it can not be removed from anyone, there are no superfluous characters in it. Maybe, only the fishermen played an episodic role in this work. Surprisingly, the whole work "The most important thing" turned out to be whole. Mikhail Zoshchenko is a brilliant master of the word. Therefore, it is difficult to single out someone, and yet we will try.

Red-haired Andrew is the protagonist of the narrative and the future "Soviet man", for example, such as Yuri Gagarin. In the forefront is his mother, a source of worldly wisdom, a model of the recent past. Children, fishermen and a dog perform episodic roles in the remarkable fairy tale "The Most Important" Zoshchenko. The main characters in it, it seems, are obvious from the very beginning.

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