
"Dezal": reviews about the drug, prices, instructions

Is such a medicine as "Desal" effective? Reviews about the drug are presented at the end of the article. It also describes the detailed instructions for the use of this drug, its composition, pharmacological properties, form of release, etc.

Form, composition, packaging and description of the medicinal product

You can buy this medication in the following forms:

  • Oral preparation "Desal" (tablets). Experts say they have a blue color, a round and biconcave form. The active element of the pre-market in question is desloratadine. As for the additional ingredients, they include magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose mannitol, talc, pregelatinized corn starch. In the sale of this drug comes in the cell packs, prepacked on cardboard boxes.
  • Suspension "Desal" (syrup). Tablets are for adults, and syrup is for children. Desloratadine also acts as an active substance of this form of the drug. In addition, it includes auxiliary constituents in the form of sorbitol, propylene glycol, sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid monohydrate, hypromellose, sucralose, disodium edetate and flavoring "tutti-frutti." The clear liquid has no color. The medicine is free from foreign particles and is released in dark glass bottles (a measuring spoon is included).

Principle of action of a medicament

How does the Dezal medication work on the human body? Instructions for use (the price of tablets and syrup will be listed below) reports that it is an antihistamine that has a prolonged effect.

This drug belongs to the blockers of histamine H1 receptors (peripheral).

According to experts, desloratadine is the primary loratadine metabolite. This substance is able to inhibit reactions that are allergic in nature, and also release pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines.

Antiallergic "Desal" (reviews about the drug are ambiguous) facilitates the course of the allergy and prevents its development. In addition, this drug has antiexudative and antipruritic effect. It reduces the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries, prevents spasms of smooth muscles and prevents the development of puffiness.

How does the medication "Desal" (pills) affect a person's CNS? Instructions for use, reviews of experts report that this drug has no effect on the nervous system, and also never causes drowsiness.

It should be noted that the active substance of this drug does not affect the attention and psychomotor reaction of a person.

The therapeutic effect of "Desal" manifests itself in half an hour after its administration and lasts about a day.

Pharmacokinetic properties of the preparation

Where is the Dezal medication absorbed? Reviews of the drug say that its active ingredient is absorbed from the digestive tract. In the blood, it is observed after 30 minutes, and its highest concentration is visible after three hours.

The binding with plasma proteins is 86-88%, and the half-life is about 27 hours. The removal of desloratadine from the human body is carried out through the intestine and together with the urine.


What helps the "Dezal" medication? Instructions for use (the price of this drug is not very high) reports that this drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of allergic reactions and facilitate the patient's condition. The testimony includes:

  • Rhinitis allergic (itching of the sky, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, red eyes, lacrimation, itching in the nose);
  • Urticaria (itching and rash on the skin).


When is it not recommended to take Desal? Reviews of the drug reported that it is in no case be used in pregnancy. Also, it is not used in childhood to 12 years (only in the form of tablets) and during breastfeeding.

Do not prescribe this medication and when the patient is hypersensitive to the active or any auxiliary ingredient.

With care, tablets and syrup "Desal" is recommended for people with severe kidney failure.

How to use Dezal?

The application, composition, reviews about this medication are presented in this article.

Prescribe antiallergic tablets and syrup should only an allergist. Such reactions as itching, hives, rashes, etc., in adult patients and children are treated according to a similar scheme.

Both forms of a considered preparation appoint or nominate only inside. The medication intake does not depend on the food intake. Its dosage is determined by the doctor. Usually it is 5 mg per day.

Side effects after taking

"I drink" Desal "from an allergy, and the condition only worsens ..." - it is these reviews that some patients leave about the medicine mentioned. Experts emphasize that this drug does have many side effects. Consider the most common of them:

  • Increased fatigue, dryness of the oral mucosa, regular headaches;
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea;
  • Drowsiness, dizziness, psychomotor hyperactivity, insomnia;
  • Increased bilirubin concentration, hepatitis, increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • Palpitation, tachycardia;
  • Myalgia.

Also, against the background of taking an antiallergic remedy, people may experience mental disorders, hallucinations, pruritus, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, rash, angioedema, urticaria.

Cases of overdose

Take the drug "Desal" should be in the recommended dosages by the allergist, despite the fact that even with a significant excess of doses (for example, 9 times), the patient does not observe any deviations. Although the development of drowsiness is possible.

For therapy after an overdose, it is necessary to rinse the victim's stomach and give him activated charcoal.

By means of hemodialysis, desloratadine is not excreted from the human body.

Drug Interactions

The medication in question does not affect the intake of other drugs in any way. Also, other drugs do not affect its therapeutic properties. In addition, desloratadine is not able to enhance the effect of ethanol on the central nervous system.

Special recommendations for taking an antiallergic drug

Patients with severe renal dysfunction "Desal" are appointed with extreme caution.

This medication does not have any effect on a person's ability to drive vehicles. Although it should nevertheless be taken into account that in some people it can cause drowsiness.

Price and analogy

How much is the antiallergic "Desal"? Reviews about the drug, the price will be presented right now. Buy this medicine in the pharmacy can be for 210-370 rubles (depending on its form of release, the number of tablets and the volume of syrup).

Replace this drug with such drugs as Desloratadine Canon, Ezlor, Lordestin, Nalorius, Blogsar-3, Desloratadine-Teva, Desloratadine, Eryus, Desloratadine-Pharmaplant "," Elise ".

Patient Reviews

A lot of information about the drug can be obtained by reading reviews. About antiallergic agent "Actavis Desal" comments leave very many patients. Among them, one can find both negative and positive assessments. Most people report that this drug effectively and quickly eliminates all the symptoms that are inherent in allergic reactions.

According to satisfied patients, after taking a syrup or tablets, the patient's well-being significantly improves. In addition, use this drug is very convenient. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is sufficient to take it once a day.

With regard to negative messages, most of them talk about the manifestation of many side effects.

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