
Antifungal antibiotic "Griseofulvin": reviews, instructions for use, contraindications and analogues

Lishay, fungi and other parasitic diseases should be treated immediately. This is due to the fact that such lesions have the property of rapidly spreading through healthy parts of the body, as well as being transferred to other people.

To protect themselves and their family members, doctors recommend using a drug such as "Griseofulvin". Instructions for use, price, reviews of contraindications and indications of the means under consideration will be presented below.

Composition, shape, packaging and description

In what form is the "Griseofulvin" medication sold? Comments from consumers report that most often this drug can be found in the form of tablets. They have a white color with a creamy hue, as well as a bitter and not very pleasant taste.

The main active ingredient of this drug is griseofulvin. On sale, it comes in contour cells, which are embedded in cardboard bundles.

It should also be noted that this medication is available in the form of liniment. It contains griseofulvin and salicylic acid. The drug for topical use is sold in banks.

Characteristics of the medicinal product

The drug "Griseofulvin" is an antifungal antibiotic that exerts a fungistatic effect (that is, it helps to stop the growth of parasitic fungi) by:

  • Various types of dermatomycetes causing skin diseases in humans;
  • Microspores or fungi parasitizing, which are the causative agents of microsporia in humans ;
  • Trichophytones - causative agents of trichophytosis, causing diseases of nails and scalp;
  • Epidermophytones - causative agents of the epidermophytosis (that is, inflammatory lesions of the skin of the feet, groin and nails).

It should also be said that the "Griseofulvin" medication (patient feedback will be presented below) has almost no effect on candidiasis, that is, a disease caused by yeast-like fungi.

An important feature of this tool is its effectiveness in oral administration.

It should also be noted that the activity of the preparation to some extent depends on the degree of crushing of its crystals and the specific surface area of the powder.

Experts argue that the small-crystalline form of this drug is half as active as the specially manufactured highly disperse form.

Modern pharmacists use basically a highly ground preparation, in which the particle size does not exceed 4 microns.

Kinetic properties

How does the absorption of the oral preparation "Griseofulvin" occur? The doctors' comments indicate that this remedy is perfectly absorbed through the intestine. In the human body, it manifests a pronounced tropism to the hair, the horny lipophilic layer of the skin, and to the tissues of the nail plates.

Due to such properties, the medicament in question reaches a high concentration in the lesions.

Metabolized "Griseofulvin" in the liver, and is excreted from the body through the intestines and kidneys. The half-life of the drug is exactly one day.


What is the purpose of using the preparation Griseofulvin? Reviews (nail fungus this medicine treats very well), experts say that the drug in question is one of the effective means of therapy for people with dermatomycosis (that is, fungal diseases on the skin). It is also prescribed for the treatment of favus (fungal diseases of the skin and head), microsporia (parasitic fungal diseases), trichophytosis and epidermophytia.

It should also be noted that this drug treats skin diseases that were caused by trichophyton (that is, causative agent of ringworm), and lesions of nail plates (onychomycosis) caused by pathogenic fungi.


Can Griseofulvin be assigned to children? Experts say that such a medicine can be used against a child, but only on strict indications.

It should also be noted that this drug is not prescribed for patients with severe leukopenia and systemic blood diseases, as well as organic diseases of the kidneys and liver, porphyrin disease (that is, in hereditary diseases associated with impaired pigment metabolism), pregnancy, malignancies and breastfeeding.

In addition, the drug under consideration is contraindicated to use outside the hospital, pilots, drivers of vehicles and people engaged in high-altitude work.

Instructions for use

How is Griseofulvin assigned to a child? The use of tablets is shown with one dessert spoon of vegetable oil.

In microspores, children are prescribed 21-22 mg / kg of body weight per day. For adults, the medication is recommended to be used in the amount of 8 tablets per day.

The duration of therapy is determined as follows: tablets are taken every day until the negative results of the samples for fungi. After that, the dose is kept for another two weeks. But the drug is taken every other day. Even after two weeks the frequency of taking the tablets is two times in seven days.

With infiltrative-suppuration trichophytosis and favus adults, the medication is prescribed in the same dose and according to the same scheme. As for children, the dosage should be changed for them (18 mg / kg per day).

In the treatment of mycosis head should be shaved once a week, and also twice a seven days wash it with soap.

Dosage with such a lesion depends on the body weight of a person. At a weight of up to 50 kg, the drug is taken in the amount of five tablets. With a body weight above that for every 10 kg, add one more tablet, but not more than 1 g per day.

The daily dosage for children is calculated by the formula 16 mg / kg.

How to treat onychomycosis with "Griseofulvin" (child 3 years)? The responses of specialists say that the therapy for such lesions is carried out according to the following scheme: the medication is taken every day for a month. From the second month he is appointed once every two days, and then go to the reception twice a week.

The duration of therapy is 8 months or more.

With severe nail lesions, the appointment of tablets should be combined with local therapy.

Liniment "Griseofulvin" is applied to localized skin lesions independently, and also used in combination with tablets (with extensive lesions).

Ointment is applied to the covers with a thin layer twice a day for three weeks.

Adverse events

What adverse reactions can the "Griseofulvin" medication cause? Consumer feedback reports that this tool affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Patients often complain of epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes a patient may have a disorder of stool.

It should also be noted that the appearance of vertigo, headaches, asthenovegetative and neurologic symptoms may occur on the part of the central nervous system.

Very rarely, patients develop photosensitization and there are violations in the hematopoiesis system. In this case, you must suspend the medication.


What can I replace the "Griseofulvin" drug? Experts say that this medication is similar to such drugs as "Lamikan" and "Terbinafine". However, they should be used only as directed by the doctor.

Preparation "Griseofulvin": reviews

Real feedback from doctors about tablets and ointments "Griseofulvin" indicate that this tool is highly effective and effective. Patients with them completely agree. They argue that after several preparations of the drug the severity of fungal lesions decreases.

The only drawback of the agent in question is that it can cause unpleasant reactions from the digestive tract.

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