News and Society, Nature
Interesting facts about nature and animals. Interesting facts about nature for children
Interesting facts about nature is a topic that, perhaps, interests everyone, regardless of age, social status or financial situation. Man by nature is very curious. He tries to absorb as much as possible of various kinds of information. Something lingers in the memory for a long time, something is almost immediately forgotten, something can suddenly appear in the conversation.
By the way, not everyone thinks about the fact that, for example, interesting facts about nature for children need another feed. The child does not perceive the abundance of numbers and dates, and the dry data sounds to him like an incoherent mumbling. That's why you need to provide information for babies portion by part, accompanying the story with drawings and suggestive questions.
This article covers many interesting facts about nature and animals. Of course, it is impossible to introduce the reader as a small or adult with a complete list because of the abundance of information. But still the most curious, we tried to take away.
Section 1. These amazing deserts
It is believed that on Earth there are only 2 huge, but very different deserts from each other, Antarctica and Sahara. The first is ice-cold and therefore almost lifeless, the second in the summer months resembles a frying pan placed on the fire and is also poorly populated. A similar feature of both can be called 180-meter dunes, snow for one and sand for another.
Because we are more attracted by interesting facts from the life of nature, let's talk about another extreme in terms of temperature place of the planet, which, surprisingly, is quite inhabited and fairly densely populated. It's the Death Valley. To date, there are 55 species of reptiles and 40 species of mammals. In addition, this desert is home to 545 plant types. Without special problems, you can see 15 species of birds, even 13 species of fish.
In general, the record of the world for aridity is the area of the Atacama Desert, it is difficult to imagine, rain has not been observed for four centuries.
In the known Sahara often such strong winds blow, that for a day they manage to carry out from the desert one million tons of dust and sand. The highest point of the Sahara, 3415 m, is Amy Cousho.
And, finally, about the beautiful. In general, we all know that the deserts are famous for their mirages. For example, only in one Sahara they are annually fixed almost 160 thousand. Now even special tourist maps are issued with caravans carved on them, where observation points of mirages are marked.
Section 2. How animals adapt to heat
The absence of moisture forces the inhabitants of the desert to adapt to life in a variety of ways. For example, Moloch's lizard developed a unique ability to collect moisture from the surface of the skin. All the liquid that gets on her skin, drains through the microscopic channels between the scales into the mouth of the lizard. In a particularly droughty time, the lizard buries its belly in moist sand, extracting moisture from it already.
The most famous desert animal is a camel. He can move on quicksand even in a 60-degree heat. In his hump there is a stock of fat, which, if necessary, is converted into water. It is because of this that camels can live without drinking for 30 days. However, getting to the water, they drink 90 liters in just 10 minutes.
A desert scorpion extracts water from food, and its hard shell prevents the evaporation of water from the body. When food is not available for a long time, a scorpion can starve a year and more without any particular consequences.
In the deserts of North America, a rocky squirrel lives - a real champion of endurance. She may not drink for 100 days, eating only dry food: her body produces water independently.
The mysteries of nature are really boundless. Interesting facts occur literally at every step.
Section 3. What we did not know about Antarctica?
Did you know that the word "Antarctica" in translation into Russian means "opposite the bear"? And meanwhile, it really is.
In addition, we can not fail to mention that it is not part of any state, considered a common reserve, created specifically for studying nature and wildlife. By the way, not everyone knows that Antarctica has no time zones.
What role does this continent play in the life of the Earth? One of the most important! 70% of the fresh water of our planet is in the ice of Antarctica. Of course, while we do not use it. But experts say that there will come a time when really much will depend on it.
On this interesting facts about the nature of this part of the globe, of course, do not end. This continent is also known as the place to set a number of records, including: dryness, cold, solar radiation and extremely powerful wind.
By the way, as it turned out, Antarctica does not have permanent residents at all, and only scientists are temporary residents of these places. As a rule, in winter the number of specialists in Antarctica does not exceed 1 thousand people, and in the summer - 5 thousand.
Let us note that the typical "summer" month in Antarctica is February.
Section 4. Penguins - unique animals of the extreme south
If you look at the details of interesting facts about nature, it will certainly turn out that it's simply impossible to avoid these birds. They are very amazing, and their life never ceases to amaze even experienced scientists.
So, the penguins. The males of some of them are attracted by the fact that they hatch eggs instead of females, which all this free time is spent in the ocean. Feed the chicks born parents in turn, belching half-digested food right into the mouth of the kids.
Antarctic penguins build nests from mud, small stones. In England and the USA, these birds are called "macaroni". Surprisingly, it was this term that used to be called mods.
In general, on land these birds look very awkward, but when they get into the water, how their grace and agility can literally be envied.
But still, as it turns out in practice, penguins prefer land, spending a minimum of time in the water.
Section 5. Interesting facts about nature: the vast Pacific Ocean
This part of the water surface is deservedly considered the largest on Earth. And this is not surprising, because it occupies one-third of the surface of the planet.
Not everyone knows that the name of the Pacific Ocean was given by the famous seafarer of the 16th century. Magellan. Why this? The thing is that the researcher somehow managed to overcome his waters not only without storms, but also at a favorable wind.
As a whole, in the water area of the boundless Pacific Ocean there are a lot of islands, some of which grew literally on the peaks of underwater coral reefs. And there are those who were once formed on the site of underwater volcanoes.
Specialists have determined that the highest tides on the Earth are recorded precisely in the Pacific Ocean. For example, near the coast of Korea, they sometimes reach 9 m.
The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is 4.2 km. And, by the way, it is here that there are more seamounts than in any other ocean. In the peripheral parts there are depressions, the deepest - the Mariana.
Section 6. The largest animal of the planet
When we expose any, even completely random, but interesting facts about nature for children, whales in babies, as a rule, cause increased interest. Yes, and adults, too. Which, however, is not surprising. Considering the largest and strongest, they are also the most mysterious mammal of the world.
By the way, for many peoples whales are sacred animals. For example, in Vietnam interesting facts about nature are always supplemented by stories, and sometimes even myths and legends about the life of these water giants.
One of the striking habits of all gray whales is the mating of the threesome. In action, the female participates and 2 males. To date, the Japanese city of Hirado even plans to create the world's first whale farm. True, the project is doubtful in terms of achieving certain results, because one whale a day eats 150-230 kg of fish. Is it worth it to invest money in it? Whether such a campaign will be unprofitable, time will tell.
But in terms of the environment, they suffer greatly because of our activities. For example, it has been established that if in some place on the globe whales are massively thrown ashore, they do so, most likely, because of the influence of military sonars on them. Why is this happening? The thing is that whales perceive the world primarily with the help of hearing, from the high frequencies they stall, and hence cease to navigate in space.
It is impossible not to mention that whales are the only mammals, except us who sing. The shortest "aria" of the giant lasts about 6 minutes, and the long one - sometimes up to half an hour. And it's also interesting to know that the biggest brain, of up to 8 kg, belongs to the whale's sperm whale. For comparison, the blue brain weighs only 3 kg.
Section 7. Interesting facts of inanimate nature: what are the volcanoes
Everyone knows that eruptions of huge volcanoes have horrific consequences, for example, fire rain, global climate changes and other disasters, compared to which destroyed houses and spoiled agricultural lands seem to be mere trifles. Fortunately, such huge and dangerous volcanoes erupt quite rarely, approximately several times in 100 thousand years.
The largest of the recorded eruptions is the activity of the volcano Tambora, located on the Indonesian island of Sumbava. Its eruption cost the lives of 100 thousand people. By the way, researchers believe that Indonesia has the largest number of active volcanoes, their total number is 76 pcs.
Interesting and unusual ability of volcanoes to further growth - accumulating lava and ash over time increase its height.
The Kelimutu Volcano in Indonesia at its top has 3 unusual lakes, which from time to time acquire turquoise, green, black or red colors. Such transformations are caused by the reaction of volcanic gases reacting with different minerals.
Here is a list of just a few stunning facts:
- The highest volcano of our planet is Mauna Loa (4 thousand meters), which is located in Hawaii.
- Most of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean were formed as a result of volcanic activity.
- Volcano Aso, located on. Kiu-Shiu in Japan, is recognized as the largest volcano. Its crater has a width of 14 km, a length of 23 km, and a depth of 500 m.
- The most frequent eruptions occur in the Escalo super volcano, located in El Salvador, it erupts every 8 minutes.
Section 8. The most mysterious animals of the planet
In general, of course, there are a lot of them on the planet Earth. And, in principle, about every living creature can be told for an infinitely long time, stopping at its unique abilities and style of life. However, we will mention the most, in our opinion, amazing.
The Tasmanian devil is a predator, a close "relative" of the hyena, outwardly similar to a dog and a small bear. During the skirmishes, the animal produces intimidating growls and howling sounds. The strength of the jaws relative to the weight of this animal is enormous. In this he is the unconditional champion of the planet. In addition, it should be noted that the stomach of the Tasmanian devil can digest anything, even, say, rubber and foil. It is interesting that the Tasmanian devil is quite easy to train and even becomes tame.
Battleship - an amazing animal, which the Spaniards call a "small fortress". The smallest battleship is pink ("fairy"), it's the size of a small chipmunk. A giant battleship has a length of 1.5 m. When you see the danger of armadilloes, so to speak, "fold", becoming almost invulnerable.
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