EducationThe science

In what environments do unicellular microorganisms live?

Scientists believe that the first inhabitants of the Earth were precisely these organisms: archaea and bacteria. Despite all the antiquity of origin, they were discovered very recently, with the invention of optical magnification of objects with the aid of a microscope (A.Levenguk). A single-celled microorganism consists, respectively, of a single cell, in contrast to a multicellular organism. Such a simple structure has many bacteria, some fungi and algae. Thus, this category is non-systematic, including representatives of several Kings of living nature.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

The former do not have a well-formed nucleus in the cell and other organs, for example, the nuclear membrane and membrane organelles. They appeared on the planet in ancient times, they believe, more than three billion years. The second - have a pronounced nucleus and protoplasm in the cell. According to the hypothesis, they existed already two billion years ago. And all organisms, except archeas and bacteria, are nuclear (eukaryotes).

Habitat Unicellular

The most numerous representatives of unicellular organisms are bacteria and archaea. When asked where they live, you can answer simply: everywhere! The main thing for these microorganisms is that the medium (or - the substrate) is suitable for carrying out vital activity. And the main thing - the presence of sufficient moisture, the presence of water. By the way, if the conditions are unfavorable - it does not matter: many of the bacteria can form spores, which are a special form of existence, "conserved". In what environments do unicellular bacteria live? In the atmosphere, in the soil, in water, in other organisms. Let's consider more in detail

In the soil

If we talk about the environments in which single-celled live, the soil contains the largest number. In humus, chernozem and other soils, which are a favorable substrate, there is everything for optimum vital activity: nutrients, a certain amount of liquid. There is also no direct sunlight, but a cozy temperature regime that allows single-celled to develop well and multiply. Most of these bacteria perform the functions of transforming dead organisms, decomposing them into constituent parts - microelements and compounds. Saprophages (the so-called bacteria that feed on remains) are involved in the formation of fertile humus. However, among the beneficial bacteria here are also pathogenic. For example, the causative agents of tetanus and botulism, which can enter the human body with various skin lesions.

In water

Speaking about the environments in which single-celled bacteria live, one can not fail to mention the water expanses covering most of the territory of the planet Earth. Here they are washed away from the soil in the main. So, in water, especially standing, as well as in the soil, there can be millions of bacteria (in several grams of liquid). The community can not do without malicious unicellular ones. Among them - the causative agents of typhus, dysentery, cholera and other serious for human diseases.

In the air

There are not many unicellular representatives here, but quite a lot. It is known that many infectious diseases are carried mainly by airborne droplets. And in the air these unicellular ones get with particles of dust and micro droplets of water lifted by air currents. Scientists have found that bacteria can "reach" in a similar way to the very boundaries of the Earth's atmosphere. Not bad some of the unicellular feel themselves in a vacuum, forming canned forms of life - disputes.

On the skin and inside us

In what other environments do unicellular microorganisms live? The mass of bacteria is found on the skin of a person, in some of its areas: armpits, perineum, mucous membranes. Inside the average citizen "lives" about three kilograms of live weight of bacteria. A huge army of organisms (in the quantitative sense - billions), which can not be ignored. Basically, they are friendly neighbors, forming the microflora of a healthy person. But come across and pathogenic, which under certain conditions can cause and huge harm.

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