Self improvementPsychology

I'm lonely ... The reasons for loneliness. Psychology of a lonely woman

I'm lonely ... So almost every third person on our planet can say or think about it. Loneliness is a state or a specific life moment when the individual remains alone, either physically or mentally.

For a time to experience a similar feeling is normal. It is worth saying that often creative individuals tend to be alone with themselves. And this pastime becomes very fruitful. However, loneliness as a way of life is a very unfavorable condition for a person. It is especially problematic for men. Pain, loneliness and despair are often experienced by the elderly.

This feeling is, as a rule, a problem of megacities and the youth living in them. Perhaps one of the reasons is the desire to attract attention and at the same time regret yourself. In any case, this is much easier to do than to acquire communication skills.

Hidden problem

Representatives of the stronger sex rarely complain about loneliness. However, the impact of this condition on men is most harmful. Anyone who prefers to live without a reasonable environment, most likely, will fall and get bad habits in the form of nightlife, untidiness, gambling and alcohol.

"I'm lonely," - these are the words of those men who do not have permanent friends or a beloved woman. This is a big problem. The reasons for the loneliness of men can be divided into two large groups. It is because of them that representatives of the stronger sex at the age of over thirty do not want to have a close environment.

The first group can be attributed to the causes of the pathological nature. Among them are the following:

- infantilism;
- psychopathology;
- social phobia;
- underdeveloped skills of communicative contacts with people;
- Inadequate self-esteem.

All these reasons can overlap. So, there are infantile personalities who have inadequate self-esteem and who have weak communication skills. When forming relationships, it is important to be able to determine what origins the psychology of a single man has. If it is based on personal undevelopment, then communication will have a positive impact on the elect. Sometimes the reasons lie in psychopathology. Then the manifestation of attention can have negative and uncontrollable consequences.

There are also such causes of loneliness, which are referred to as existential. They can be the norm and enrich the inner world of man. Among them, one can single out loneliness, which is an element of spiritual growth; Serving as part of the profession; As an indicator of self-sufficiency of the person; Which is part of a culture acceptable to man.

The problem of older people

"I feel lonely," so many of those who have reached old age can say. The absence of a close environment among the elderly is currently a major social problem. Often lonely old people complain about the sense of abandonment and lack of demand, misunderstanding and alienation that comes from the youth. However, they do not feel the support and concern of the state.

It is in the elderly that the problem of human loneliness lies in the absence of children, relatives, grandchildren. It also consists in the fact that the old man lives separately from the young members of his family. Sadness and loneliness cover in old age after the death of one of the spouses. Sometimes the old people isolate themselves from other people because of their financial infirmities.

The state must take upon itself the decision of a sufficiently large social problem of society, because the vulnerability and insecurity of the elderly do not allow them to independently find a way out of any complicated situation that arose in their life.

Loneliness and health

The absence of a close environment largely negatively affects a person's condition. This applies to his health. It is worth saying that the harm from loneliness is much greater than from the common ailment of modernity - obesity. American scientists have made public the data of medical observations, which allowed them to draw certain conclusions. In comparison with obesity, which adversely affects the health of the human body, loneliness harms the psyche. In order to extend the years of his life, a person must communicate with people close to him, travel more and try to find a pair.

An interesting fact is that up to fifty years you can be happy, even while being lonely. Having crossed the half-century threshold, a person realizes that he needs a second half or grandchildren.

Women's loneliness

Representatives of the fair sex complain of the lack of close people much more often than men. There is a certain paradox. The phrase: "I am lonely" is more often pronounced by those who are most surrounded by people.

The lack of a close man a woman often experiences as her inferiority. In this loneliness, which affects the fair sex, it is rather a feeling than reality. This is often just a game of angst those ladies who do not go to contact, but wait for their prince. For women to regret themselves and complain about life is more familiar and easier than directing efforts to find a partner. Talk about the lack of decent men is undoubtedly easier than having a positive in the shower and watching your figure.

Mythological type

Female loneliness at some point is characterized by the absence of a man with whom a lady could live together or at least meet. For example, this category can be attributed to a single mother. Such a woman has a hard time in life. She works a lot and has to solve all the problems arising on her way independently. Such a woman, as a rule, has her own house, and she can do whatever she likes in it. For example, spend the whole day on the couch reading a book, knowing about the mountain of unwashed dishes in the kitchen.

Psychology of a single woman is the absence of the need to provide a report for their actions. It is overflowing with self-esteem, as it provides for itself and has the right to vote, which can be used everywhere. If the fair sex does not have a close environment, she can devote all her free time to a hobby, devoting most of her life to it. In addition, it is much easier for a single woman to invite her whom she wants to visit. Such a lady will not need to invent incredible stories after a night spent chatting with her best friend.

A single woman is psychologically independent. She is not in a state of love, but at the same time, she is comfortable and well. However, she is sometimes incredibly sad evenings, which she spends with her child or with a cat. She can meet her only love, but she does not hurry to meet her.

Prince Charming

A single woman does not have a life partner, so she is in constant search. At the same time, she has a clear idea of how her beloved person should be:

- beautiful;
- high;
- the rich;
- educated;
- clever;
- caring;
- responsible;
- Honest;
- without children;
- held;
- Single.

In addition, there must be mystery and charm in it. The only beloved should be strong and cheerful, at the same time being a monogamous person. But most importantly - he should not have any flaws. However, real life does not often confront us with princes.


Psychology of woman's loneliness pushes her to continue suffering. This is facilitated by various myths. So, the assertion that the chicken is not a bird, but a woman - a man, push the lady to the opposite reasoning. They concern men. A certain stereotype is formed in the mind, which, of course, indicates that all the peasants are unreliable, stupid and insensitive. Another characteristic myth is the statement that a woman is capable of stopping a horse and galloping into a burning hut. This forms a false idea of the possibility of solving all life's problems without the participation of a man.

Reasons for suffering

In the main, a single woman is burdened by her freedom. She is compelled to struggle independently with vital adversities. In this case, no one helps her. Weighed down by the woman and the holidays, which she meets in the company of the same single girlfriends.

Sometimes such a lady wants to talk with someone heart to heart, find sympathy and complain. Besides, she has no one to turn to for help. In this case, society can also be judged by hanging a woman on the label of an old maid.

Real loneliness

Sometimes a woman has a large circle of relatives and close friends. They wholeheartedly support it and bear a certain responsibility. In this case, a single lady does not always work. She can give money to her parents or ex-husband, rich relatives or adult children. In this regard, it can not be fully provided to itself. Sometimes obligations to relatives are much more difficult than family relations. In this single woman is difficult to be an independent person. This is done for her by children, relatives or friends.

There are cases when a lady purposefully strives for loneliness. This allows her to heal the wounds and restore mental balance.

But anyway, it is worth remembering that loneliness for a woman is her personal choice. This state does not mean its inferiority or the performance of wrong actions. This is an independent choice of personality.


Women's loneliness has its positive aspects. They are in freedom to dispose of their time. In this case, an independent woman can afford what the woman will not dare, being married. She does not need to look for approaches to the spouse and adjust to his mood. She can make her own career, get an education and enjoy with pleasure some hobby. A woman who is not bound by family ties, the mistress herself. She not only earns money, but also distributes them at her own discretion.

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