HealthDiseases and Conditions

If you are concerned about burning in your head

Many people complain that they are concerned about burning in any part of the head. Often the eyes turn red. It seems to man that he was put on his head by mustard plasters, and they forgot to take off. Burning can pass to the shoulders, then onto the chest.

Some people in parallel with this increase in pressure, tachycardia appears, sweating increases, and other symptoms may occur. As a rule, it occurs paroxysmally, and tingling in the head may also occur.

When people are concerned about such symptoms, they are wondering - what to do if there is a burning sensation in the head.

If you are concerned about burning in the head, then this can happen in several cases. For example, with a noticeable cervical osteochondrosis, with dyshormonal disorders in the form of sympathetic adrenal paroxysms in women, which is usually confirmed by an electroencephalogram that reveals paroxysmal activity. In olden days it was called vegetative epilepsy, however, this is not the epilepsy that is familiar to many. In this case, it is recommended to carry out complex treatment, preferably a sanatorium resort.

Also, if you are concerned about the burning sensation in your head, this may be a consequence of fatigue, in this case, the vegetative regulation of the vascular tone is disturbed, the tone of the neck and back muscles is also increased, which leads to a violation of the blood outflow from the brain, which causes the heaviness and burning in the head . To calm down, you need to visit a neuropathologist, who can check, just in case, the symptoms of a possible tumor, and also tell you whether further examination is required. Subjective sensations and fears are not enough to make themselves terrible diagnoses. A very effective method for detecting tumors is magnetic resonance imaging of the brain of the head. We advise you to consult a reflexologist who will help you cope with fatigue, headaches, increase resistance to diseases and your tone.

Often, if you are concerned about the burning sensation in your head, this indicates an incorrect lifestyle - lack of sleep, overwork, stress, alcohol abuse or smoking. Everyone knows how to deal with this. Nevertheless, the practice of neurology and neurosurgery shows that it is still better to carry out a diagnosis in order to be sure of your health in the future. Primary examination, if you are concerned about burning or pulse in the head, includes an X-ray of the cranium, electroencephalography, echoencephalography, and an ophthalmologist's consultation.

If MRI detected foci of demyelination in you, then specialized treatment is required.

The first thing you need to do if you are concerned about the burning sensation in your head is to pick up the necessary drugs together with the neurologist, including the means to relieve the anxiety syndrome. These drugs are required to take courses twice or thrice a year for 30 days. If the cause of burning in the head are problems with the spine, then you need to do the following: find a competent specialist in osteopathy, manual therapy or acupuncturist, since you should certainly relieve tension from the muscles of the cervical region. After the tension is removed, it is recommended to buy a subscription for individual training with an instructor in yoga, pilates or calanetics. Classes must be held twice or thrice a week, until you study in detail the system of lessons. Then you can study at home. Next, you should properly organize your daily routine, be sure to include in it a full rest, quit smoking. We need to develop a diet with a nutritionist, learn diaphragmatic breathing with delayed exhalation and inspiration, this will also help in dealing with this problem.

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