HealthDiseases and Conditions

If there is a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms manifest themselves with varying intensity

Pinching of the nerve occurs if it is pressed by surrounding tissues - muscles, bones, cartilage or tendons. It can occur in almost any part of the body, but according to statistics, most often it occurs in the spine, more precisely in its cervical and lumbosacral section. The pinching of the intercostal nerve is much less common.

Sciatic nerves are formed by the fusion of the following nerve roots: the last two lumbar and the first three sacral. There are only two of them in the human body, but they are the largest. They are responsible for sensitivity in the thigh, lower leg, foot and fingers, and also allow the thigh and trunk to be unbent, to bend the ankle and lift the foot up.

Neuralgia, or in another way, the pinching of a nerve as important to the body as a sciatic one, often occurs after improper lifting of gravity or as a result of awkward movements in which the organs and pelvic muscles are damaged. The most common cause of this unpleasant condition is osteochondrosis. Among other causes of this disease can be called a hernia, displacement of the vertebral disc, the development of tumors.

If there is a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms can manifest completely differently. In some patients, pain occurs almost immediately, and so severe that they can not move, while in others, at the onset of the disease, it is hardly felt, but gradually increases with time. With such a syndrome, as a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms may manifest with numbness or tingling.

In this disease in women, back pain is usually much less pronounced than in the leg. And, depending on the extent to which the nerve roots in the lumbar plexus are affected , the pain can be transmitted not only to the buttock, but also spread over the posterior surface of the shin or foot, and in some cases even reaches the fingers. Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, as a rule, is one-sided. At physical exertion, even a small intensity, and sometimes just a change in the posture, the pain can be amplified. Often the symptoms are much more pronounced at night. Some patients note that pain becomes stronger when coughing and even laughing.

Not very often, but it happens that the pinch of the sciatic nerve symptoms manifests in the form of swelling and redness of the skin on the back, fever, weakness in the legs. Some patients experience a decrease in effectiveness or complete loss of control over urination and defecation, and bleeding occurs in the urine. With such manifestations, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women occurs quite often, because the load on the spine increases significantly due to the increase in the weight of the future mother and the growing abdomen. Unpleasant manifestations can last up to 1.5 months, but sometimes the symptoms disappear very quickly. To prevent the development of such a disease in pregnancy, you need to perform feasible physical exercises. If there are no contraindications, then a good effect is provided by therapeutic baths, massage courses, physiotherapy.

Most often, when there is a pinch of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms quickly pass while observing the doctor's prescribed sparing regimen and taking painkillers. The folk remedies, as well as manual therapy are very helpful . But there are also cases of this disease, when you need medical care and the appointment of potent drugs for anesthesia. It should also be remembered that the symptoms that occur when pinching the sciatic nerve often occur in other diseases, often more serious. To avoid exposing yourself to health, when practicing self-medication, it is better to consult a specialist. With the help of modern diagnostic methods, he will identify the cause of your malaise, put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment adequate to the condition. To prevent neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, as well as pathological changes in the spine, it is necessary to engage in feasible physical labor and sports, do not overcool, gravity to lift correctly, maintain weight in the norm.

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