
Ideal guy. What should it be?

If you believe in a joke, the ideal guy is the one who thinks first about the girl and only then - about the children and about the future mother-in-law. Any girl will appreciate in the representative of the opposite sex restraint, courtesy and respect for her.

The character of the perfect guy

According to the girls, the ideal guy must necessarily be a person - strong, promising, able to achieve success in life. In addition, it is important that he has a good sense of humor. With this it will always be easier to communicate, he will be able to calm and cheer the girl. If the guy is constantly whining and seeing in life only negative, a rare girl will stay with him.

It is also important that the gentleman is sensual enough. He must with understanding, tenderness to treat his beloved and reckon with her opinion. Naturally, a stupid guy will not be ideal. Relationships where the girl will feel smarter will not be prolonged and, in the end, will come to a break for the reason that people have nothing to talk about with each other.

Appearance is an important factor

Well, we can not fail to mention the attractive appearance. The ideal guy should match the female notions of male beauty. And about this concept of the fairer sex can argue forever. Someone more like blondes with high growth and blue eyes, and someone - darker and lower in height. Someone prefers more brutal men, and someone likes and plump dobryachkov. All this is only a matter of taste. But you can not say the same about cleanliness. No girl will like a guy who does not care for himself and his hygiene. Who wants to be next to a foul-smelling, unattractive companion?

Not necessarily the perfect guy should have the appearance of Brad Pitt. But he should be just well-groomed and have a beautiful body. This concept, of course, does not include the presence of a "beer belly", but some girls like it. Still, most people prefer to see sexual "cubes" on the stomach of their companion. So smart, fun guys who are a person, will also have to walk a bit in the gym to become an ideal.

The taste and color

But in any case, do not forget that the taste and color of a friend can not be found. One and the same guy can drive one girl crazy and not like the other at all. This is absolutely normal. The main thing is not to be aggressive, ill-mannered and ignorant.

Appearance is also important is not for everyone, the main thing is that a person was good. But this concept can also be viewed from different angles. For example, for older women, this is both a caring husband, a beautiful father, and a good lover in bed (for many it is very important, and again everyone has an individual opinion on this matter). For different women these representations are also different.

Summarizing and answering the question of what an ideal guy should be, one can say that he must be a person with a pleasant appearance and a developed intellect. Plus, it's a well-dressed, neat and simply pleasant person in communication. Only then can a young man proudly say: "I'm the perfect guy for my girl!"

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