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Human needs. The biological nature of man reflects the need ... what?

The biological nature of man reflects the need for what no one can do without. This is all so everyday that no one even delves into the essence of the matter. And it should be considered in more detail.


To begin with, it is worthwhile to briefly define the concept itself. Biological needs are a class of specific needs that are associated with the need for full implementation of vital functions. First of all, in order to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the human body. This is homeostasis. That is, self-regulation, the preservation of which is directed to the person's need for oxygen, water and food. All this we receive daily. And oxygen - all the time. Without these "components" the life activity of a person is not possible.

About basic necessities

So, the biological nature of man reflects the need for oxygen. Everyone can come to this conclusion. But how does this prove?

Every cell in our body needs oxygen. This is an essential element of many metabolic reactions. About 200-250 ml of oxygen are delivered to the cells every minute. In a day its amount is 300 liters. When a man performs hard work, the need for it increases tens of times. Oxygen is part of carbohydrates, low-molecular compounds, proteins, lipids. So, oxygen, absorbed in the process of breathing, is an integral part of every person. Without air, we can live a maximum of 5 minutes.

Also, the biological nature of a person reflects the need for food. Organic substances coming in during the meal, contribute to the maintenance of life, because they give us energy. And they supplement the balance of microelements - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, manganese, iron, iodine, etc.

And, finally, the liquid. The biological nature of man reflects the need for water, which serves as a means of cleaning the body, "transport", which delivers nutrients to the body cells, and even a natural solvent that helps them to assimilate.


This component of our lives can not be ignored. If a person does not sleep for 2 days, then changes in his body will occur related to the hormonal background and violation of neural connections in the cerebral cortex. After 3-5 days, the cells of the brain will begin to degenerate, the load on the heart will increase. There is no exact answer to the question of how many people can hold out without sleep.

It is necessary. And not only because that's how we gain strength and restore energy. During sleep, cell regeneration takes place actively. Also, a night rest gives an opportunity to our subconscious mind to order the memories and emotions that were received during the waking period. And even during sleep, there is a "rest of the neurons". Our body begins to work in an "economical" mode. And to awakening we are almost completely filled with energy.

Minor needs

So, everything that was listed above, in the life and development of absolutely each of us occupies the place number 1. The biological nature of man reflects the need also in something else. But this is already secondary.

For example, reproduction of the genus. The need for this demonstrates man as a biological species. But in general, looking at how inexorably the population grows, we can conclude that there are no problems with the realization of this need.

What is most important is the human need for personal territory and for security. It generates the need for medicine, the production of medicines, hygiene, sanitation, healthy lifestyles, recreation. Also from this need follows the need for clothing, necessary not only to look good, but also to maintain a constant body temperature.


Well, the biological nature of man reflects the need for food and water, in clothing, housing and much more. But all this can be satisfied only at the expense of material objects. That is, through money. But they just do not come. Hence, a person needs to work. Which allows you not only to find money, but also to meet your social needs. They are manifested in the need to assert themselves, to show their usefulness, to feel themselves necessary and valuable, to show leadership qualities, to receive praise. In addition, a person will receive money, which will be able to provide themselves with housing, clothing, medical products, food and water.

What else is important to know?

In short, it is worth mentioning the classification. All needs are divided into two types - "for themselves" and "for others." The biological nature of man reflects the need for food - this is from the first category. Food is needed so that a person can survive himself.

The need "for others" is already from the animal world. In fact, people concern him, because man is a biological being. The needs "for others" have prerequisites. In animals, this is a parent instinct, a group concern for offspring, the ability to emotionally resonate. People show all of the above, worrying about the well-being of family members, relatives and friends.

But also, in addition to all the above, the biological nature of man reflects the need for cognition, self-expression, self-identification, self-esteem, social recognition, evaluation of achievements. Also here is the need for communication, in acquiring social connections, caring, working together, in comfort. In this category, designated social, there are also needs "for others". They manifest themselves in altruism - in the willingness of a person to sacrifice themselves in the name of someone else, selflessly serve the rest, protect the weak.

And, by the way, there are still aesthetic needs that distinguish us from animals. They are manifested in enjoying the beautiful. And thanks to the fact that many people experience them, our world has so many manifestations of complex art forms - music, cinema, theater, literature, music, architecture and painting. And it all began with a small - as soon as a person began to work. In the process of making something, people decorated objects, giving them aesthetically pleasing shapes.

You can talk about the needs of a person for a long time. Above, only the main ones were listed. In fact, they are dozens of times larger, and all have long become necessary.

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