
How to treat chlamydia

Before treating chlamydia, you need to undergo a complete examination.

Today, the treatment of this disease takes from fourteen to twenty-one days. As a rule, there are no problems in the process. However, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, especially in the early stages, since it will be much more difficult to treat chlamydia in chronic form.

All partners who have had sexual intercourse with the patient must be examined. Since it is necessary to treat chlamydia with the use of antibiotics, then during the therapy it is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol. In addition, experts recommend not to live sexually during therapy or use a condom.

It should be noted that chlamydia (pathogens) are resistant to standard treatment. Therefore, the doctor must choose individual medications.

Chlamydia are intracellular parasites. The choice of drugs for the treatment of chlamydia is limited to those drugs that have the ability to enter the cell. These include antibiotics such as: "Macropen", "Erythromycin", "Vilprafen", "Rovamycin", "Cleirithromycin", "Oleandomycin". In addition, the therapeutic complex includes such drugs as "Nystatin", "Flukostat", as well as antimicrobial agents (Miramistin) or immunomodulators ("Viferon").

Since it is necessary to treat chlamydia in a complex way, the physician can prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures in addition to medicines. Efficiency in this case will depend on the individual characteristics of each patient, the stage of development of pathology, the site of inflammation localization, and the level of organ damage.

The patient is considered healthy if at the end of the therapeutic course for two months in the process of laboratory studies, chlamydia are not detected. As practice shows, with strict adherence to the prescriptions of the doctor, the results are favorable.

It should be noted that the incorrect use of antibacterial agents can trigger the transition of the disease into a chronic form. In this case, the risk of complications or a sharp increase in the intensity of the inflammatory process is many times increased. That is why self-medication with such a disease is unacceptable. The examination, selection of medications and their administration should be under the supervision of the doctor.

The use of recipes of traditional medicine is a measure of complementary, in no case an alternative to medicamental effects.

How to treat chlamydia with medicinal plants?

The remedies for this disease include garlic, thighs, chamomile flowers and marigold, birch leaves and buds, rhubarb and licorice root and some other herbs.

For cooking tincture of garlic will require five or six denticles. They must be finely chopped and insisted for 12 to 15 hours in 180-200 ml of water. After this, drain and use to wash the head of the male member and vagina of the woman.

To prepare another means, you should take flowers of chamomile, licorice root, a string, yarrow and birch buds. Pour two or three tablespoons (table) of the collection with a liter of water (hot). Infuse thirty or forty minutes, drain. Use the drug for 100-120 ml three to four weeks for forty-forty-five minutes before eating. Thus, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms accompanying chlamydia.

How to treat chlamydia, following a diet

From the diet should be deleted all dairy products. This is due to the fact that they contain bacteria that can reduce the effectiveness of antibacterial agents. However, dairy products also contain the necessary calcium. It can be replaced with tablets or eat the crushed shell of boiled chicken eggs.

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