
How to sew a bath inside the lining with their own hands? Types of lining and installation methods

Many home craftsmen believe that the best material for finishing the walls of the bath is a lining. It can be made of PVC or wood. The first variety can be used for a dressing room or rest room, while the other one is more universal, it can be installed indoors for any purpose. With it you can not only decorate, but also insulate the walls, and also isolate them from noise. Externally, the products are long, wide panels that have grooves on the sides for connection to each other. The design allows you to fix the finish on one side with the help of staples and screws, whereas for the eye such fasteners will be invisible. Among other things, thanks to its superb appearance, the lining does not need any additional finishing.

Types of lining

Before you decorate the sauna inside the lining with your own hands, it is recommended to choose the material that will be based. As mentioned above, it can be plastic or wood. The first variety of products is made by extruding polyvinyl chloride resin and additives. Materials used in production are environmentally friendly and fireproof, however, it is impossible to install such a lining in a therma.

Wooden lining

If you faced the task of how to trim the bath inside the lining with your own hands, you should initially think about the variety of material used in the work. You can buy a wooden lining, with which you can make air-permeable walls, creating a natural microclimate in the rooms. When the temperature rises, the wood will produce a pleasant smell. In the manufacturing process, the following types of wood are used: aspen, spruce, pine, cedar and beech.

Before you can decorate the bath inside the lining with your own hands, the instruction should be studied by you. From it you can understand that the wooden variety of material belongs to one of the four classes of quality. Extra-class, for example, is an ideal lining, which is devoid of knots and other errors. While the most inexpensive class - C, can contain captive knots, as well as resin pouches or blind holes.

Classification of wooden lining

Many consumers, solving the question of how to sew a bath inside the lining with their own hands, prefer a wooden version of it. However, here it is necessary to make a choice in the direction of a conventional profile or a lining. In the first case, a longitudinal chamfer is taken from the products. In the production process, wood of natural moisture is used, the level of which does not exceed 25%. As for the thickness, it reaches 20 mm. The surface of the panel may have a roughness. For sale is presented and lining, which is of high quality and provides a unique connection system. On the back there are ventilation holes, thanks to which no condensation is formed. Before you can decorate the bath inside the lining with your own hands, the photo should be considered, perhaps it will allow you to make a choice. If it is a European car, then, in turn, it is divided into: standard, land house, block house, American and soft-line. The most widespread among consumers found block house, the front side of which is made in imitation round logs.

Installing the battens

If you are thinking about how to sew the bath inside the lining with your own hands, step by step instruction you should be read. Only this way you can exclude errors. According to the technology, initially the wall is prepared by installing the lath, for which it is necessary to use wooden bars with a section of 20x50 mm. The blanks are cut in such a way that some of them have a length of 500 millimeters, and the other is 1000 millimeters. This is necessary so that the elements can be secured in unison. Many home masters think about how to sew a bath inside the lining with their own hands, a step by step instruction helps them in this. It describes the technology in detail and provides for the installation of metal hangers, the step between which should be 40 centimeters.

Ways of installation of lining

To fix the lining to the wall, it will be necessary to first arrange the frame system, which consists of bars, which are fixed in a vertical or horizontal position. In rare cases, these elements are installed diagonally. However, this technology is recommended only if you have professional knowledge and skills. As the main rule is the location of the bars, which should be oriented perpendicularly to the laths of the lining. If you are thinking about the question of how to sew a bath inside the lining with your own hands, the advice presented in the article is recommended to be read. Of these you can learn that the frame bars should not be fixed to the wall. Between the edges of the workpieces and the surface, a distance of 3 to 5 centimeters should be left.

Vertically, the elements should be removed from each other by 5 centimeters. Under the lining must be a distance for ventilation. In order to exclude the dewatering of the lower part of the wall during operation, before fixing the first rows of the beams it is necessary to put a waterproof putty on the wall surface. Along the door and window openings it is necessary to install bars that will extend beyond the doors and windows on both sides. Wooden blocks for installing the lining should be mounted on the wall with nagels or screws, which are made in advance. This is required in order to not make two holes in the wall.

Thinking about the question of how to sew a bath inside the lining with their own hands, consumers try to read the advice of masters. Of these, you can understand that the installation work can be done using different technologies, depending on the hardware used. If the straps will be attached to the frame using nails, the fasteners should be installed obliquely, nailing it from the side of the tongue. If it is supposed to use clips, then their nailing is carried out from the side of the groove.

Lining with offset profile requires an internal latch, which is fastened with nails, clips or clips. The profile does not need to be expanded. In the connection, nothing needs to be changed, every nailed down lining will cover the previous fastening.

You need to start work from one corner. Wooden boarding is sometimes fastened with furniture nails with small hats, which are supplemented with self-tapping screws for reliability. To fix the plastic lining to the frame system, you need to use a construction stapler, and the staples are installed in the grooves. If you want to create a surface that will look as much aesthetic and neat as possible, you can use a secret method of attachment. For this purpose, a hole is made on the side of the stud in which a screw is installed during the installation. The self-tapping screw can be closed with a dowel.

At the last stage

Now you should understand how to sew a bath inside the lining with your own hands, it is important to take into account also the fact that after the end of the work the projecting parts are cut off and the surface is ground. It is important to remember that the fastening can be done with a stapler, while the bracket is installed in the groove in such a way that it does not interfere with the spike of the next panel.

Use of Kleimers

Klyaymery are metal brackets, which are designed for thin lining, which has a low weight. The brackets will need to be fixed to the back of the groove. The upper part of the first panel is strengthened with a self-tapping screw, the cap of which is covered with a dowel. Kleimers are mounted on the wall using nails or screws, and each next board is connected to the previous one, which is already installed on the wall. The final element can be fixed, as well as the first: using a closed dowel.

Methods of work

If before the repair you have thought about how to sew a bath inside the lining with your own hands, the types of this material are recommended to be considered beforehand. Information about this was presented above. So, if you decide to purchase thin panels, then they can be secured with clips. If necessary, the canvas is removed and installed in another place, this is the advantage of this technology. You can start work on the left or right side of the wall, as it will be convenient. The first product should be cut to 1/3 and set in an angle, retreating 5 millimeters from the ceiling surface. At the intersection with the vertical bars the bar is nailed, which should be located as close to the corner as possible. The other side of the bar is fixed on the vertical bar into the recess of the clips and fixed with a paper clip.


In order to achieve a strong attachment between the boards, you need to use a wedge, through which the master taps with a hammer. After the grip, the boards can be connected using clips.

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