FinancePersonal Finance

How to save on food, clothes and utilities

The management of the family budget begins with the fact that the social unit must clearly represent the expenses and incomes available at a particular point in time and in the future. It is necessary to start with the fact that no one can do without water, food, and in the conditions of the Russian cool climate - without clothes and a warm home.

In order not to cause damage to health (this will save money for doctors and medicines), it is necessary to calculate the daily calorie for each member of the family. For a man not engaged in hard work, he is at least one calorie per kilogram of weight, multiplied by 24 hours. For a woman - 0,9 calories per kilogram of weight x 24 hours. Further, it makes sense to know that the optimal for health is the consumption of one part of the protein, 1.2 parts of fat and 4.6 parts of carbohydrates. Based on the data given, you need to calculate what products are worth buying, and how much they can do.

Nutrition today is not cheap, so many people are worried about the problem of how to save on food. If incomes do not shine with height, then it makes no sense to visit expensive retail chains, especially since some products are shipped there by the same producers as in cheap hypermarkets. Go to the store better with a piece of paper, which lists the required items, and have several options for the proposed menu in case there is any major discount on a particular product. It will also be superfluous to have a snack before visiting the grocery store.

It is worth paying attention to the production of farmers and stores at state farms, where products can be cheaper and fresher. Also, people of the older generation know how to save on food by cooking their own food. For example, some cook their own cheese or home cheese, boil condensed milk, make blanks in the fall, which allow you to win between the summer and winter prices for food. Someone grows a portion of their diet on their own plot.

Another option, how to save on food, is to buy fewer semi-finished products that rarely contain the proper amount of nutrients, which does not allow them to be saturated with quality. It is better to take a fish carcass, a piece of meat, unprocessed vegetables and cook a full dish.

After you figure out how to save on food, you can think about how you can cut spending on clothing and look like "a million." This is facilitated by making models with your own hands, buying some things in bulk or in second-hand. If you are planning a solid purchase in the form of a fur coat, it is better to take an expensive piece of the classic style that will be relevant for several seasons. It is better to plan such a thing in advance, postponing a fixed amount, and, if necessary, adding to it small money taken on credit. Life exclusively "on credit" is very wasteful because the interest in the bank can be quite high.

How to save the family budget in the face of rising prices for utilities? Here you can use technological innovations, like solar panels, which put advanced residents of cottages. Initial investments in such systems are quite high, however, then they allow using resources at a very modest price. If the location does not have high technologies, then it makes sense to properly repair windows, repair current cranes, put counters and carefully read incoming payments for the detection of incorrectly calculated amounts. Also saving money is promoted by a healthy lifestyle and actively searching for discounts, sales and other events where the same goods can be bought much cheaper.

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