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How to remove a person from the region in Minecraft: the best ways to

Playing "Meincraft", we constantly build something. But our buildings are always under threat, because some people like to break someone else's, this does not go away. We create a region for our magnificent buildings, if we play with friends, then we add them to the region, but there are times when someone wants to be removed from our region. And then the question arises: how to remove a person from the region in Minecraft?

The creation of the region in the "Maincrafter"

To add or remove people to the region, you must first create it. How can this be done? First of all, you need to make sure that on the server on which we are playing, there are plug-ins such as WorldGuard and WorldEdit. We will assume that they are installed. Now we need a wooden ax. Craft it or get it with // wand. The ax is. Now imagine our region as a three-dimensional rectangle. Select one corner of this rectangle with the right mouse button, the other with the left mouse button. Just click the ax. Then we come up with a name for our region. And then we write the command: / rg claim . Done, our region is created, and the building is protected.

Add people to the region

We have a region. Nobody can break anything and use it. But what if we have friends who also want to live with us? It's enough just to add them to our steep region. Before that, we had already established a region. It remains only to add a player to it. There are two ways: add it as a normal inhabitant: / rg addmember , or as the owner of this region: / rg addowner . It's like everything is simple, but how does the owner differ from the inhabitant? The owner can add new residents, but the resident can not. But how to remove a person from the region in Minecraft, if the resident we added was a vandal and a bad person who wants to break everything down and smash it?

Removing people from the region

How to remove a person from the region? Minecraft has a lot of opportunities for this. It often happens that a friend is not a friend anymore or he just has his own house, and he wants to move, or one of a hundred reasons. Removing a person from the region is a common thing, we can easily cope with it. If we have a created region and tenants in it, then simply write the command / rg removemember if we want to remove the resident, and to remove the owner: / rg removeowner . That's all, an objectionable player is removed from our wonderful region.

Additional commands

Regions can not only protect buildings from destruction, but also prohibit fights, the appearance of monsters, the use of other things by your players, in general, full protection. All this is quite simple, just write / rg flag - and you will see all available flags, changing the values of which will achieve the desired result. Also sometimes you can go far from home or just die. But you want to be home and feel safe. How to be? Here it is necessary to decide the question of how to teleport to the region in Minecraft. Just write the command / rg teleport , as you instantly find yourself at home, in a safe region.

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