HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make a stool with your own hands

Every year more and more pieces of furniture become available in our apartments, without which we can not do without. To them, of course, is the stool. With his own hands it will be made or bought in the store, does not matter much. Its main functions will not change from this. Modern stools are fine furniture items, but we are striving to give your home a special charm and unique beauty. Therefore we will make a stool with our own hands. Let's start with the simplest models.

Fisherman's collapsible stool with his own hands

An interesting and mobile model of an irreplaceable piece of furniture. It can be made from various materials. For the base, a metal pipe or wooden bars is used, and the seat is made of dense fabric or is padded from the cord. Take, for example, a wooden structure with a rag seat.

We need bars, long bolts with nuts, screws, dense fabric, thin foam. To begin with, we make two preforms of U-shaped form made of wooden parts with the necessary dimensions connected by long self-tapping screws. When our basic parts are ready, we collect them in the construction of the base. To do this, by dividing the length of the legs in half, put a mark. We set the two blanks next to each other, placing the legs of the stool one behind the other, and drill the holes, orienting by the marks. We connect the parts with bolts and nuts in such a way that the structure can freely fold or move apart.

Now we will manufacture the seat. Its width depends on the length of the bars on the main wooden parts, and the length is taken arbitrarily. But it should be remembered that the more our cloth, the stronger will be the legs apart and, accordingly, the stool will be lower. For example, take the dimensions of the seat 25x35 centimeters. We need a piece of cloth 52x55 centimeters and a piece of thin foam rubber 25x30 centimeters.

Fold the cut fabric along in half. We lay it with foam rubber, placing a piece in the middle. We fold the edges of the tissue inside, fixing them with needles. We lay a straight line along the entire length of the seat. Foam is fixed with several decorative stitches. We connect the transverse edges and process them with the help of an overlock. The workpiece for the seat is ready.

Slightly push the legs of the stool, placing a detail of the seat over them. We wrap one side of the rag over the crossbar and fasten it with furniture studs. In the same way, fix the second side of the seat. We made a comfortable stool with our own hands. Now we can take it with us to a picnic or fishing.

If you need to get to the mezzanine or get a jar of jam from the top shelves of the closet, you will come to the aid of a stair stepladder. With his hands to make such a piece of furniture is not difficult. Its design is two stools of different heights, fastened together. But we will do even easier. We will reveal side details and a seat with a step from a solid sheet of thick plywood. First, draw a pattern on paper. The side details look like a ladder with two or three steps. The top plane of the side piece will serve as a support for the seat of the stool. Therefore, it is made of an appropriate width. For the steps quite enough 15-18 centimeters. In addition to the seat, steps and side details, we need two jumpers, which will give our design stability.

We cut out all details from plywood, using paper patterns for this. We put vertically the sidewalls and put the seat of the stool on them. We fix the details with the help of screws and metal corners. Then we fix the steps in the same way.

After that we fasten the jumpers. One is located under the lowest step, and the second - from the side of the seat. Ready-made stool with our own hands covered with lacquer or paint of a suitable tone, let's completely dry out and enjoy with pleasure.

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