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How to help animals in winter: recommendations, especially feeding and care

Decreased immunity, increased sleepiness, lack of vitamins - these phenomena are typical for many of our younger brothers in the cold season. How to help animals in winter? This question is asked not only by the owners of dogs or cats. If your son found on the street and brought to the house a homeless animal, you also need to know how to help animals in the winter.

Caring for homeless animals

Every day you can see a dirty, frozen and hungry cat or dog that is basking in the hatch or pipe of the heating main. Often such a "gift" brings home a child with a walk.

Do not be a veterinarian to know how to help animals in the winter. In this situation, it will be superfluous to take care of your own health and family health.

It is necessary to examine the animal. The signs of the disease can be:

  • Damage to the skin or coat;
  • Bald spots;
  • Discharge from the eyes and ears;
  • Bloated abdomen.

If this is the case, then without a trip to the clinic can not do.

Symptoms such as lethargy, loose stools, sneezing, require detailed examination. Often, stray animals have a fungus, the presence of which can also be determined only by a doctor. It is not superfluous to measure the temperature, which in a healthy individual is 38-39 degrees. How to help animals in winter, if a cat or dog has a fever or a fever? You must apply to the clinic. A low temperature can indicate exhaustion.

On the animal will be found fleas. For such cases, veterinary pharmacies have many tools that quickly and efficiently solve the problem. As a rule, these are sprays that are sprayed on the withers of an animal, or special collars with impregnation.

The presence of an animal in the body of parasites without tests at home is difficult to determine. It is better to be safe here and give anthelmintic drugs.

Find the owner ...

How to help animals in winter if they are homeless? Of course, shelter. However, this is not always possible. Hence, the best option is to look for a host for a cat or dog. Submit an advertisement in the media with a proposal to give in good hands, contact the acquaintances who live in the private sector.

Is there a suspicion that the animal escaped from the owner? Look through the ads in the newspaper. Walking on the street, pay attention to the bulletin board, perhaps someone is looking for your pet.

In extreme cases, you can attach an animal to a shelter, which specializes in finding the owners. In no case should you not let the dog or cat again to the street. The animal will lose the chance to find the owner and after a while will be in the same deplorable state.

Give a helping hand

How to help animals in the winter, because all can not be heated? The best way is to feed. Think about it, because the purchase of chicken pits or small fishes will not hit the family budget, but can save someone's life.

"You are responsible for those who have tamed ..."

If you want to have a pet, the question of how to help an animal in the winter should be studied in advance.

Your pet will require a full meal and vitamins. Heating in apartments and houses leads to the fact that animals begin to molt intensely. Regular walks and a balanced diet can alleviate this unpleasant process. Vitamin A, biotin, taurine and saturated fatty acids - excellent prevention of avitaminosis.

After walking, it is necessary to wash the paws of the animal, since the pavement of the sidewalk contains a chemical reagent that can cause burns.

With the onset of cold weather, homemade hamsters, chinchillas and guinea pigs begin to make food supplies. Regular inspection and cleaning of the cages will keep pets clean. In winter, rodents in the food add sprouted grain, vitamins and greens.

Even fish in winter require increased attention. This is due to a decrease in daylight and cooling. Lowering the temperature in the room by 5-7 degrees can ruin the fish, and the lack of lighting makes them sluggish.

Poultry in the cold heavily molt, refuse to eat, poorly tolerate a lack of lighting. Include in the diet of feathered minerals, amino acids, multivitamins, place a cage near the lamp.

Reptiles in winter have a complex restructuring of the whole organism. Turtles and frogs, lizards and snakes - all fall into hibernation, slow down the metabolism, virtually stop eating and reduce mobility. To prepare such a pet for hibernation, it is necessary to gradually reduce the light day in the terrarium, to bring it up to 4 hours a day. Turtles during this period are fed every four to five days, lizards and snakes - once a month.

How to help animals and birds in winter

If the winter is not snowy and frosty, sedentary and wintering birds in the woods are able to take care of themselves. When there are particularly difficult weather conditions, they must be fed: a third of the daily diet for the bird is already salvation.

Bird-nomads, not accustomed to feeding troughs, such as bullfinch, thrush, goldfinch, oatmeal, fly in search of their main food. This is the fruit of trees and shrubs, weeds. To help winter in such birds is simple: do not harvest fruits from the trees completely in the autumn, leave berries on the branches.

There is an opinion that urban birds can feed themselves in cold weather. This is not true. In winter, when there is no natural food, junk food is not the most suitable option. And here will be the way feeders, wooden or plastic, placed in parks, squares and just in the yard.

What kind of food should not be given to birds?

Dangerously salted, as the peculiarity of the breeding system in birds is such that excess salt causes them to poison. Fried is strictly forbidden, because such products change the structure of the liver of the birds. Black bread causes swelling and fermentation. Cleaned millet or grain, too, should not be given, the oxidation of fats on the surface of grains leads to the fact that the birds are sick.

Addition of wild forest animals

The huntsmen know best how to help a wild animal in the winter. To deer and roe deer, forest and meadow hay, grain, silage, root crops, acorns are placed in the trough. Hanging branches of trees such as willow, aspen, birch. They are harvested from May to June. In each such broom add wormwood.

The moose ignore the feeding troughs, so they are stored in a heap for them. Feed the deer also with branches of deciduous trees. The favorite delicacy of wild boars is roots and acorns. In the cold season, the food is under snow and ice. How do people help animals in winter? Potatoes and corn cobs are poured in one place in the autumn, then the animals get used to the place of feeding. Moose, roe deer and deer need mineral top dressing. With a deficiency of table salt, the animal loses its strength, its metabolism worsens, horns and hair grow poorly. They are satisfied with solonetses in the stump, having cut down the funnel.

As you can see, it is not difficult to help animals in the cold season.

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