
How to grow white cabbage properly

White cabbage can be taken for food as fresh (in salads), and in cooked, fried, as well as pickled and salted. Cultivate this wonderful plant in their own plots on the many summer residents. Further in the article we will consider how to grow medium-ripe and early cabbage.

Of course, first of all, you must carefully prepare the seeds for planting. To subsequently get the seedlings strong and resistant to frost, the planting material should be pre-soaked in a nutrient solution. To do this, in one liter of water dilute slightly less than half a tablespoon of nitrofoss. Seeds should be dropped into this mixture for half a day. Next is a little harden them, putting in the refrigerator for a day.

The answer to the question of how to grow cabbage, first of all comes down to how to get strong and healthy seedlings. Seeds for this must be planted in a neutral or slightly acidic soil, well-fertilized with organic. The fact is that cabbage is very sensitive to the amount of nutrients in the soil. Early varieties are best planted on seedlings around mid-March. The middle-ripened people are in mid-April. After the first two leaves appear on the plant, picking is carried out in separate containers. In doing so, we must try to make sure that each bush is buried in the ground to the cotyledon leaves.

Next, consider how to grow cabbage in the open. Seedlings of middle-ripening varieties will best be transferred to the soil in the period from May 10 to June 1. Early-sprouted cabbage is planted on the beds in late April or early May. When choosing a place, it is worth considering that the plant is light-loving. In the shadow of a good harvest will be impossible.

Answering the question on how to grow a good crop of cabbage, many experienced summer residents are advised before planting seedlings on beds to fertilize the soil with organic. The easiest way is to take the usual well-bred manure (4 kg per 1 m 2 ). It is also very good to introduce mineral fertilizers into the soil. For this, the usual ash is perfect. It can simply be sprinkled before digging in a bed, or you can add a tablespoon to each hole when planting seedlings.

Cabbage is planted at a distance of slightly less than half a meter between the rows and 20 cm between the bushes. The depth of the hole should be about 10 cm. The best planting material is considered to be bushes 15-20 cm high and with a stem thickness of about 4 mm. Overgrown seedlings will not be accepted very well. It should also be taken into account that recently planted plants do not tolerate too low temperatures. And so the seedlings are best in the first time with the danger of spring frosts covered with a film.

Basically, the methods of cultivation of this plant are similar on the territory of the central strip of our country. But sometimes vacationers are wondering if there are any nuances when leaving in certain areas? For example, how to grow cabbage in the suburbs? Of course, success in this case will primarily depend on how well the plant variety is chosen. For the Moscow region from early ripening varieties, for example, the June and Polar ones are not bad. Of the middle-ripened - Slava-1 and Belorusskaya-455. To get a good harvest of late varieties for pickling, it is worth buying seeds Amager-611 or Kharkov winter.

So, you now know how to grow cabbage. Fertilize the plants two to three times per season with a solution of Mullein 1: 10, with a frequency of about once every two weeks. The first top dressing is done ten days after the seedlings are transferred to the open ground. Water cabbage two times a week.

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