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How to freeze the lemon? Recommendations

Lovers of lemon at the peak of its maturity buy it with kilograms and freeze for the winter. Many are puzzled, it turns out, you can freeze lemons. And why such a thing? After all, this product can be purchased at any time of the year. Only true connoisseurs and lovers of this sour fruit know that a frozen lemon is dozens of times more useful than fresh.

Lemon has such useful and important properties for the body:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Bactericidal.

It also has a high content of vitamin C and a low calorie content.

Before any method of freezing the fruit should be thoroughly washed and gently dried. Ignoring the last action, you can eventually find a large piece of ice instead of a lemon. How to freeze the lemon? This is what will be discussed later.

Squeezed lemon juice in the form of ice cubes

Lemon can be frozen in the form of ice cubes, more precisely, lemon juice. It will keep its value very well in this form, and it will be convenient to add it to tea. With the help of a juicer or squeezed out juice from the fruit. Gently poured into the cells. One cube, thrown into the tea, perfectly replace the whole slice of lemon.

Fans of various herbal supplements can combine business with pleasure. Fruit juice also fills the cells, only to the middle. Next, a layer of any herbs, for example, mint, and the cell is again filled with lemon. An interesting way to save space in the freezer and combine 2 useful components.

Frozen cubes of lemon juice can be left in the molds, or put into any available container. Even in this form, lemon juice preserves all vitamins.

In winter, frozen in cubes juice can be added to hot tea or in any beverages, for example, juices or alcoholic beverages for a more saturated taste.

Freeze the lemon slices

Another successful container for freezing a useful product is a silicone mold for cupcakes. Thanks to the material, it is easy to get the contents from the mold. Uniform distribution will not allow the lobules to stick together during freezing, as a result of which there will be no difficulty in removing them. But all the same, it is necessary to freeze a bit of the lemon slices before they are distributed. The fruit is cut into identical roundworms, laid out on a dry flat plate. Attention, the lobules should not touch each other. The pair of hours is enough for them. Then these circles are decomposed into molds, and they no longer stick together. It is not necessary to fold the pieces clearly on top of each other, it is better to do it in the form of steps, then the lemon slices can easily be extracted and not damaged.

Frozen grated peel

Many housewives use not the middle of a lemon, but its zest. It, too, like juice, you can freeze for the winter. If necessary, it will always be at hand. The washed and dried lemon is placed in the freezer for a while. This is necessary in order to make it easier to use it. After a few hours you can easily rub it on the grater. After cleaning the whole zest, carefully place it into molds. Jars of baby food are excellent containers for preserving frozen grated lemon. It is convenient to store, it is easy to get the contents and takes up little space.

Grated lemon zest is often added to different dishes. It gives a certain piquancy to taste. Therefore, many housewives pre-prepare the components in order not to waste time at the right time. It is enough to get the contents, and take the necessary amount of the component for the dish. Grated peel from the freezer does not lose a bit of its taste, the same refined taste, as well as fresh.

One of the reasons for the freezing of lemon

What is the need: to freeze the lemon for the winter? At this time of year in any store you can buy this fruit, and prices are available. Why does it feel like to have a lemon in the freezer? Here the human factor is more important. In cold weather we often get sick, the temperature rises, there is a weakness. As a rule, it is during these days that the healing component is not in the refrigerator. Run to the store no strength. That's when you realize that it would be nice to freeze the lemon. A fruit that retains its useful properties will help to cope at the initial stage of the common cold. Put a slice of lemon in warm tea, after which it is necessary to eat it together with the peel. After all, there are the most important vitamins.

As you can see, a lemon freezing is not difficult, but then it is always at hand!

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