
How to forgive the betrayal of her husband? And should it be done at all?

Undoubtedly, before a huge number of representatives of the weaker sex there is a dilemma about how to forgive the betrayal of her husband, and whether it should be done in principle. It is very difficult sometimes to accept the fact that your own spouse, whose nearer and dearest you do not have, has led a mistress on the side. It becomes even more offensive when a woman realizes that the oath of loyalty that the husband uttered was broken by him.

The origins of the problem

What to do in this situation? How to forgive the betrayal of her husband? Perhaps the relationship has exhausted itself? This question can be given both an affirmative and a negative answer. It is necessary to determine the reason why her husband had a sweetheart. It is possible that your actions or actions were the fault.

Spouses begin to look at other women, when with their own wives they quench their previous feelings, when sexual intimacy becomes mere ordinary, not bringing those vivid sensations that were before.

The cause of male infidelity can be and uncomfortable home environment, when the wife is always something dissatisfied, the rooms are a mess, and the children are constantly crying. It also happens that the spouse gets a mistress, when the opposite picture is observed. For example, the house is perfectly clean and tidy, while trying to maintain it, the wife does not let her husband relax. In the end, he gets bored, and he goes to another woman.

Some ladies can ask a completely natural question: "How to forgive the betrayal of a husband when he is a normal womanizer"? Well, the situation is not uncommon. There's nothing to be done: this is his nature of behavior, and to reckon with it or not is a matter of choice.

However, one of the main reasons why a man becomes unfaithful to his wife is the loss of emotional contact between them. And in a new woman he finds a friend, mistress and pleasant companion.

Possible options

Considering the question of how to forgive the betrayal of her husband, and whether it makes sense to do so, it should be noted that if the chosen person hides from you the fact that he has a mistress, then you are not indifferent to him. In this case, you can close your eyes to the fact that you have been changed, since the husband does care not to hurt you . If he has not completely lost interest in his own wife, then the feelings are still warm in his soul, they just need to be warmed up.

The fact of treason can be forgiven, if the family grows children. For a full-fledged education they need both parents.

If a man realizes the negative nature of his actions and tries to make amends by all means, you need to give him one more chance.

Radical measures

Should I forgive the betrayal of my husband if they are systematic? Probably not. Most likely, he does not value your feelings, you ceased to exist for him as a woman. In this case, divorce is the only way out. Even if you try to correct the situation and return the husband to the family, know that the old feelings will be gone. That is why the question of whether to forgive the betrayal of her husband in this case, you can definitely give a negative answer.

If you are changed, do not lose your self-esteem in any way . There is no point in asking and being humiliated. Also, do not take dirty linen out of the hut, trying to find out the opinion of friends or relatives.

The best way to solve the problem is to discuss it with your spouse at the negotiating table. Determine the motives for his actions, inform him about your feelings, analyze the situation: you may have made a mistake somewhere. The situation should be discussed calmly, without shouting. Remember that your own feelings must be constantly warmed up: for example, look well-groomed and beautiful, meet your faithful with a smile and feed him a delicious dinner. Then you will live with him long and happily!

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