
How to crochet booties: for beginners a simple scheme

In anticipation of the birth of a child, many future mothers collect the baby dowry in advance. They reflect on a multitude of questions: where to get a blanket for a child or how to crochet booties? For beginner needlewomen this task seems rather complicated. To facilitate the work of knitting small tiny bits for the baby, we give a very simple scheme, which everyone can master.

How to knit booties ?

The diagram is shown in sequence in step-by-step photographs.

  • For work, prepare: yarn (quite a bit, you can have leftovers from other products), a hook (not thin), a needle and two buttons for decoration. If you use a melange thread, as in the photo, you will not need to constantly change the yarn, and this will facilitate and speed up the work. In this case booties will be very elegant. Also, do not forget that materials for a young child should only be natural, so check the quality of the yarn before you bind the booties.
  • Hook (for beginners it is better to use No. 3,5) make a chain of several air loops and connect it to the ring. Since the work begins with the removal of the sock, then tie through the center 8 columns with a crochet. The second circle is 16 columns without a crochet. The third circle - the bars should be 24 (evenly add to the knitting in a circle). The sock is finished. For the youngest babies, the sock should be reduced due to the number of loops.
  • Next, from the 4th to the 9th rows, you need to tie in 24 loops, forming a line reminiscent of a tube (in the photo this section is done in blue so that it's more clear how to crochet booties for beginners).
  • The next 16 rows (from the 10th to the 26th) knitting will not be in a circle, but in the form of a canvas. Columns without a crochet should be tied with 20 loops and make a turn. If you knit booties for a newborn baby, you should reduce the number of rows, thereby shortening slippers. Remember that for knitwear is inherent in time to stretch, so the length of the pinets make a couple of centimeters less than the estimated size of the baby's legs.
  • Now it is necessary to connect the two parts of the heel. Fold in half the knitted fabric (in the photo the gray yarn) and sew or tie the two halves together using a hook. All clothes for the baby should not have internal seams, so as not to damage the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Since crocheting booties for beginners mums is not at all difficult, it is even easier to make a decorative edging around the perimeter of the pins. Itself suggests the idea to decorate small shoes with colorful strings, pompons, ribbons, buttons, knitted flowers or lace. If a child is born in the cold season, then on the basis of this technology it is possible to tie the baby to small boots. To do this, it is sufficient to continue tying the top of the pins in a circle, forming a "bootleg" boot.

After training in how to crochet booties (for beginners), you can continue to develop in this direction. As your baby grows, you can always easily create original home slippers or warm socks.

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