Food and drink, Cooking tips
How to Cook the Chillion Correctly
The name of this original Russian dish comes from the word cold, because it was cold and in the cold season - in winter. Otherwise it is called jelly. How to cook a cold in Russia knew at the end of the XVII century. Seasonality of this dish was due to the fact that cattle slaughter started in the cold time of the goal.
Russian peasants, who did not lose anything on the farm, used for this head, legs and tails of animals. But aristocrats did not disdain this eating. The difference was only in the set of products and methods of preparation. In rich houses, this treat was cooked from the best products, vegetables, seasonings, spices were added, and the broth must be filtered and clarified. They knew how to cook a cold and French culinary specialists who worked on the recipes of the cold and called it galants, which in French means jelly.
Today, the cold is a common cold snack, which is loved not only in Russia - it is appreciated by gourmets around the world. The jelly is usually served at the festive table, seasoned with horseradish, mayonnaise, mustard or vinegar. Especially good is a cold vodka.
How to cook a jelly to make it transparent? Clean and transparent is obtained from mutton or beef legs, and cooked from pork legs comes out slightly cloudy. Correctly cook the jelly with the addition of various aromatic roots, for example, carrots, parsley, celery and parsnip. Garlic is added at will, spices and seasonings - to taste.
There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of the cold, therefore, before cooking the jelly, you need to choose one and prepare the necessary ingredients, for example:
* Pig's legs 4 pcs.
* Meat 1,5 kg
* Onions 1 pc.
* Carrots 1 pc.
* Root of parsley 1 pc.
* Bay leaf, fragrant peppercorns, salt to taste
* Garlic 4-5 denticles
To cook a jelly - an occupation rather labor-consuming, maybe, therefore it also cook on the great holidays? But the result is worth it, and knowing small secrets, you can cook this wonderful dish even more delicious and aromatic.
How to cook a cold so that it is strong and dense? For this, it is not necessary to add gelatin. For the gelling effect, you need to take pig heads or legs, you can beef, the main thing is that they must be fresh, because from the lying or thawed meat tasty jelly will not work.
Before cooking, the meat should be thawed and put in cold water for an hour. Then scrape off everything with a sharp knife and rinse in running water. Especially delicious jelly is obtained by combining several types of meat, for example, chicken or turkey, but more chowder and savory is obtained from the game.
Whichever meat is used, it should not be bold, so it's best to take white meat or a tenderloin. Purified vegetables should be cooked entirely with meat. After the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the fire, so that the broth only boils slightly.
How to cook a cold so that it is not gray? To give the chill a golden color, the onions are cooked uncleaned, only the upper leaves are removed. Vegetables for an hour and a half can be laid at the very beginning of cooking, and can be for an hour and a half to the end - it affects the taste, but not much.
From spices to the jelly, usually add bay leaf, sweet pepper, cloves and dill seeds - they are laid with meat, that is, at the very beginning of cooking.
How much to cook a cold? Usually the jellyfish is cooked from 6 to 12 hours - the longer the cold is cooked, the more aromatic the taste and firmness of the consistency will be. Therefore, how much to cook a jelly, it's up to you. It is necessary to salt it for an hour or two until it is ready.
Ready broth should be filtered through gauze or a fine sieve, and the meat is hand-cut into fibers and decomposed into shallow forms. There also put pieces of boiled eggs, greens, green peas, carrot slices, sliced or grated garlic, a slice of lemon and pour broth.
You can serve cold in molds, but if you turn a cold into a dish, then remember that the top will be the bottom, and so try to decorate it more interesting. Now cover the shape of the lids, take out the cold in the cold. To get the jelly from the mold and not to damage it, the mold is lowered into hot water for a few seconds and turned over to a dish, made with lettuce leaves. Decorate the jelly with sprigs of dill and parsley.
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