Homeliness, Tools and equipment
How to choose an economical wall heater electric?
Due to the large selection of heating equipment, buyers often often can not decide which model to give preference. Recently, experts advise to purchase wall heaters electric economy "Good Heat". You can follow the example of many consumers and purchase this device for your home.
How to decide the choice
In order to understand how best to solve this issue, you need to determine the tasks that will be assigned to the device. You can use the unit as an additional or basic heating. It is important to consider where the device will be located and whether its mobility is important. If you decide to purchase a wall-mounted electric heater, it is important to understand what sorts of varieties are represented by the modern market, and what are the pros and cons of devices for increasing the temperature in the room.
Types of heaters of electrical type
If you want to purchase a wall-mounted electric water heater, then most likely this unit will not be able to raise the temperature in the room, but it can provide you with hot water. The most common today are 4 main types of heaters, namely infrared radiators, oil coolers, fan heaters and convectors. In order to decide which type of devices to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with each heating device in order to find out which one is right for you.
Oil radiators
Choosing a wall-mounted heater is electric, a modern consumer rarely prefers an oil variant. Such units, which are produced, including by the company "Termiya", are a heating system, as the heating element of which is oil. Heat carrier is heated, and after a long time maintains a comfortable indoor microclimate. Among the advantages of such devices can be identified fire safety, the ability to automatically turn off the device, if the design has a timer and thermostat. The consumers choose oil coolers also for the reason that they work absolutely silently. If you are interested in a wall-mounted electric heater, it is worth remembering that oil coolers are rarely realized in this form. Among other things, they have a significant drawback, which is expressed in the fact that the metal surface of the device can be heated up to 100 degrees. This can be dangerous in the house where there are children and pets. Some models even suggest heating the surface to 150 degrees. This can lead to burns. You will have to work tirelessly to ensure that there are no flammable objects near the devices. If you still decide to choose a similar model, then experts recommend choosing options that are equipped with built-in fans. They are able to accelerate the process of heat exchange, i.e., the device heats the room faster after switching on. As soon as the set temperature is reached, the fan turns off, while the heater can continue to operate normally.
Recommendations for the use of oil coolers
Wall mounted oil heaters do not need special maintenance. However, it is important to remember that it is necessary to clean such a device only after turning off and cooling the surface. To do this, use a dry soft rag. During operation, you should remember that such equipment should not be used for drying clothes in a bathroom room, and the power cord should not be on a hot radiator, this will prevent melting of the plastic sheath. Use the device exclusively in an upright position, and the use of an extension cord is not recommended, as this can cause overheating of the device. The area of heated space must be more than 8 square meters. If you are interested in saving electricity, then the oil heater can not be called the best for this solution.
When to choose a convector
If you want to use a wall-mounted electric heater, and also worry about how the interior of the room changes after installing it, it is best to choose a convector, since it is the most successful among the other heating appliances, among other popular manufacturers you can choose the brand "Teplofon". By the power and size, this device also wins, whereas the color you can choose, depending on the shades prevailing in the room. If you install such a thin heater on the wall, then you can save space, because it is compact in size. Considering heaters electric household wall, experts always recommend paying attention to convectors. In the role of a heating element is a heater, which is manufactured in the form of a metal curved rod. It consists in a metal protective tube, which is in a secure housing. Heat will be distributed according to the law of convection, according to which, the heated air will rise upward, while freeing up space for cold air currents. For ease of use, such heaters are equipped with thermostats, which help maintain the required temperature at a certain level.
The main advantage of convectors
If you do not know what to choose - an oil device or a wall-mounted electric heater with a thermostat, which was described above, then you should prefer the second option, which is true in case you are particularly interested in the issue of fire safety. This is the main difference between the convector and the oil-type radiator. Convectors do not have such an impressive temperature, which can contribute to getting burns. They are noiseless, not demanding in care and completely fireproof. In the matter of economy, these devices benefit from oil coolers.
When to choose a fan heater
Wall paintings-electric heaters, perhaps, are the most advantageous option among the rest, but it makes sense to consider other types of devices to create a comfortable microclimate in your home. If the problem of saving is especially acute for you, then it is worth choosing a fan heater, which is leading in the race with the participation of the heaters described above. This version of the device is the most affordable for the consumer and the easiest to perform. In the role of the main advantage of fan heaters is the rate of heating of the room, which has a small area. These devices are smaller if compared with convectors and oil coolers, which is important for apartments with a deficit of free space. They are universal, that is, they can be located anywhere in the room, including on the wall. In this device, cold air is heated by means of an incandescent electric spiral, while flows are fed to the heating zone by means of a fan that rotates in the housing. If, in addition to saving, you are also interested in silence, then it is necessary to choose an electric film wall heater, but for those who are not afraid of the sound of a working fan, this device will perfectly suit. You may also encounter the possibility of an unpleasant smell from the dust that burns at 80 degrees during the operation of the spiral. Consumers also complain about burning oxygen, when the heater works for a long time.
Features of the infrared heater
Heaters wall mounted electrical panels are often performed on the basis of infrared devices. Today they are the most advanced and effective, and also economical, you can choose the most popular company Thermo Glass. Quartz radiators warm up not air, but objects and even the person himself. With the help of such heaters, it is possible to create zones of local heating, without spending extra energy for heating the room. Such a flexible wall-mounted electric heater can be installed even on the terrace. As a defect is only the price, which is justified in the operation of the device.
Among the devices described above, wall-mounted electric heaters "Good Heat" are very popular today. Buying them, you immediately save, because the devices have affordable value, and in the course of operation can save a certain amount when paying for electricity. First of all, it is important to consider how safe the use of any device is.
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