EducationThe science

The strongest muscle of man

Many people ask the question, which is the strongest muscle in the human body? It is known that their number reaches 640. Among them there are very small ones that are in the inner ear or serve to fix the eyeball. There are also fairly large muscles: the four-headed, gluteal, trapezoidal. However, the most unique is the myocardium. It is able to contract, even if it is extracted from the human body. So which muscle is the strongest?

A rather precise definition is given by special studies. According to them, the strength of all muscles depends on the following factors:

- the number of muscle fibers ;

- the size of the bone adjacent to the muscle;

- the angle of attachment;

- the frequency of the pulses that the nervous system creates.

To characterize this parameter, special terms have been created: relative and absolute muscular strength. Also, this indicator is determined in accordance with the amount of cargo that a person can raise in a calm state.

The quality of the muscles is determined by the ability to change their elasticity. With a reduction, this indicator increases, with relaxation it becomes much lower. Therefore, many say that the strongest muscle of a person is language. However, this judgment is incorrect, since it is an organ consisting of 16 muscle parts.

The force created is also an important parameter. It turns out that the strongest muscle of a person is chewing. It can develop a pressure force of up to 72 kilograms and is located at the earlobe. It is she who forces the lower jaw to move during chewing. According to this, it got its name. A feature of the location of the masticatory muscle is the attachment to the bone. There are other muscles that perform a similar function. These include: temporal, lateral and medial pterygoids. The first starts from a simultaneous bone. The lateral pterygoid is fixed on the inner corner of the lower jaw, the medial - on the articular process. Also, the chewing muscle interacts with other structures of this structure during conversation, facial expressions and yawning. Its shape looks like an irregular triangle.

Another factor by which the strongest muscle of a person is determined is the stretching force. The gastrocnemius muscle is leading in this factor, which is able to hold weight up to 130 kilograms. To confirm this, you need to climb "on tiptoe" and pick up a little weight. At the same time, all the load will be on the gastrocnemius muscle. It is in the region of the posterior tibia. Next to it is a soleus muscle, together with which they are attached to the heel with the help of the Achilles tendon. It has a simple structure (two heads), but the density of muscle tissue occupies a leading place in the human body. Its function is to stabilize the body during movement.

Another indicator that helps determine the strongest muscle of the human body is the effort that is applied to the point of the skeleton. By this indicator, you can select the four-headed and gluteus muscle. They are also on the lower limbs. In addition, the man's largest muscle is the gluteal muscle. All this is confirmed by its functions, the main one of which is to maintain the position of the body in an upright position.

Thus, the strongest muscle of a person is an ambiguous concept. Each of them dominates by a certain indicator. But the real leader can be called the heart muscle, which has the highest rate of endurance. While other structures are fatigued, it works without trouble even during sleep. And the life of the myocardium can be called more than a weighty argument, which calls into question the fact that skeletal muscles are more efficient .

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