Sports and Fitness, Equipment
How to choose a sports projectile for a child
From an early age, it is necessary to monitor the child's physical development. In infancy, you need to do special massages and gymnastics, periodically undergo water procedures and become tempered. Starting from the age of three, it is already possible to begin selecting the appropriate sports equipment. However, many different factors and even medical recommendations should be taken into account.
Before exposing the child to stresses, it is mandatory to consult a family doctor or pediatrician. He can recommend which exercises should be done, and what sports equipment to use for this.
It should be noted that while the child is small, it should be protected from significant loads associated with heavy lifting or overexertion. However, you can actively engage in stretching, reaction or development of ligaments and tendons. For these purposes, sports walls are suitable, which the child can use throughout his development. At the same time with small additions they can always be turned into various devices that work with the entire muscle group.
During the child's growing up, a moment comes when the same physical activities do not fit the same-sex children. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which sports equipment to pick up for the boy, and what - for the girl.
From the moment the child reaches school age, many parents tend to send him to the sports section. In this case, boys are usually satisfied with those sports that are either popular in the place of residence or are taught self-defense. For girls, the most common sports are gymnastics and ballroom dances. However, it should be borne in mind that in whatever section the child goes, it still needs to do exercises for general development. And from the sport that was chosen, you should select a sports projectile. It should promote the development of those muscles and ligaments that, due to the specificity of the specific discipline, remain unused.
Choosing sports equipment for children, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the material from which it is made. It is necessary that it not only be of high quality and environmentally friendly, but also meet certain safety requirements. It is necessary that all metal sharp corners be closed or protected with a special coating. On the inventory there should be no damage, chips and rust. At the same time choosing a sports projectile, one should proceed from the individual parameters of the child or purchase such devices where it is possible to regulate weight, length or tension.
The main thing is that all activities with the child should be conducted without compulsion. Do not exceed the load and achieve rapid growth of muscle mass. At the initial stage, it will be sufficient to develop flexibility and plasticity, and the formation of the muscle relief can be done only when the human bones reached the optimal state (approximately 16-18 years).
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