
How passes the STSI exam

The GIBDD exam is the final point in the three-month track of any cadet in driving a car. This is a rather difficult test, requiring a person, both a good level of development of driving skills and knowledge of the theory of road safety, and high resistance to stress.

At the expense of the latter one should note one thing: not all driving schools pay attention to the development of stress resistance in cadets. Nevertheless, this factor, as practice shows, is no less important than the availability of actual knowledge and skills.

The classic GIBDD exam consists of 2 parts: theory and practice.

To begin with, the candidate surrenders the theory as a test of 20 questions. Given the successful delivery of this stage (in the event that the candidate allowed no more than two errors), the driving schools of Nizhny Novgorod immediately allow him to practice. The practical part includes a closed area (autodrome) and the city proper.

Theoretical part

As a rule, the theoretical part of the exam is given on the computer or with the help of a special examination apparatus. Also rules allow a written interview with a candidate, but practice often does not use this type of change. Throughout Russia, tickets for the exam are the same. Each ticket contains 20 questions (4 thematic blocks). The first block contains randomly selected questions from 1-5 exam tickets, in the second block - from 6-10, in the third block of 11-15, and in the fourth of 16-20 tickets. To answer the questions put to the candidate is given only 20 minutes.

  • You can answer questions in any order at will.
  • They have the right to remove the candidate from the examination if he has spoken with other examiners or used additional literature.
  • The exam will be deemed to be submitted if the candidate has made no more than 2 errors.
  • The computer does not show incorrectly or correctly you answered a particular question. The overall result will only be visible after the end of all the answers.

Area (circuit)

As a rule, driving schools of Nizhny Novgorod Have a standard platform on which cadets perform 5 exercises: a snake, a turn, a flyover, entry into the box in reverse and parallel parking. In the process of passing the exam it will be necessary to perform a flyover of 2 different exercises for the choice of the examiner. If errors are allowed, the candidate receives a certain number of penalty points. If you score 5 points for any exercise, then this exercise is considered not delivered. If the candidate does not pass one of the three exercises, he can try to return it. If the exercise is recurring successfully, then the examination is considered to be passed. If failure has suffered in two or three exercises, then they put the rating "did not pass." For each exercise balls are put separately.


The final stage, which requires driving schools of Nizhny Novgorod - is a movement directly through the city. The examiner selects a certain route from the list of pre-approved routes (as a rule, the list is published on the stand in the traffic police). Penalty points for each violation. If the examiner is gaining 5 or more points, then the exam is considered not delivered.

If the student does not pass the exam, then he has several attempts to pass the exam once more. If they also fail, then the examiner is sent for re-training.

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