Food and drink, Recipes
How is the rich fish made from rich fish?
Surely each of us sometimes wants to try something unusual, different from the usual food. Borscht and chicken soups quickly become boring, and they are not very original. Today you will get acquainted with a terrific recipe for cooking soup from salmon. This dish will charm with its magnificent taste and wonderful aroma. Ear from red fish is quite expensive, but we do not cook it every day, sometimes we need to allow ourselves small pleasures.
The soup is made in a short time and has a high nutritional value and usefulness, since the red varieties of fish contain many microelements and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on our body. In general, this is a dish of Russian cuisine, and our ancestors prepared it according to a unique recipe. For this purpose, special dishes (clay or enameled) were chosen, spices and especially carefully - fish.
The traditional ear from red fish should be transparent, without foam, very delicate in structure and sticky. The most suitable varieties for soup: salmon, salmon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga. In Europe, the dish is called "red soup", and foreigners like it very much. For piquancy, spices, for example, saffron, black pepper and bay leaves are necessarily added.
Tasty and rich soup is obtained from river fish species, for example, from perch, ruff, pike perch, whitefish. Although the technology of cooking is practically the same, only they taste different. Some add shrimp to the dish. There are a lot of variations and each is good in its own way. But enough talk, we proceed directly to the process. How to cook fish soup - fat, nutritious and tasty?
To do this, you need to purchase the following set of products:
- Fillet of salmon (500 g);
- carrot;
- Potatoes (4 pcs.);
- Millet cereals (100 g);
- onion;
- Bay leaf, pinch of saffron, salt, black pepper, greens (dill and coriander).
In this case, we cook from pure pulp, but you can only take heads. The ear from the heads of red fish turns out to be just as tasty, only in the first case, fish pieces will be felt in the broth, which gives the dish a special charm and refinement.
Potatoes must be cut into thin slabs. We put it in water and cook it. Now proceed to the vegetables - shinkuem onions and passeruem on vegetable oil. Then we add grated carrots to it and lightly fry it, remembering to stir it.
Send the millet to the potatoes - cook for 15 minutes. During this time we cut the salmon and put it in the soup with the roast. We fill with spices, except for greenery, we put it at the very end. Ear of red fish is cooked for no more than 10 minutes - do not let the salmon be digested! A minute before the turn-off we add the cut cilantro with dill, we give several times "gurgle" and turn off the fire. Serve the dish in hot form with black bread.
The second recipe is the Finnish ear with cream. It's unlikely you've tried anything like that. We hope that this dish will take pride of place in your cookbook. Required components:
- Three hundred grams of a loin of trout (you can take salmon or salmon);
- Potatoes - five pieces;
- Onion head;
- Two cloves of garlic;
- Flour - 10 g;
- Cream - 300 ml;
- Dill, parsley, salt.
In a two-liter saucepan, dip the sliced potatoes and cook for 15 minutes. There we put sliced fillets and browned onions - leave under the lid for another ten minutes. Blender whipped the cream with flour and pour the mixture into the broth, wait for the boiling and remove from the plate. Directly when serving, sprinkle with herbs and salt. Creamy soup of red fish has a delicate taste and excellent taste.
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