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How Harmful are Energy-Saving Fluorescent Lamps?

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps are special gas-discharge lamps in which the light emission is indirect, since the light source is not an ionized gas, but a fluorescent material. They have a longer average lifespan than incandescent lamps, but their lifespan often depends heavily on the number of on and off switches. If electronic control is not used, then each of these operations, in fact, reduces the lamp life due to the wear of the electrodes. In a nutshell, the proper use of an energy-saving fluorescent lamp will be to turn it on and leave it running for a few minutes or hours without interruption. In addition, unlike incandescent lamps, fluorescent energy-saving lamps lose the effectiveness of the emitted light flux over time, and old models need a few minutes after switching on for heating.

However, there are allegations that energy-saving fluorescent lamps are harmful to human health and cause discomfort and harm to persons with photosensitivity problems, such as electrosensitivity, autism, epilepsy and migraine, and emit dangerous UV-B and UV-C and electromagnetic radiation. Ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation are only a potentially dangerous problem when a person is near the source (within a few centimeters) for a long time. For migraine sufferers it is recommended to use other types of bulbs, for example halogen or LED, or fluorescent lamps with double protection. Flickering or cold white light of fluorescent energy-saving lamps can also cause harm, manifested as uncomfortable sensations, headaches or attention disorders. But there are also those who believe that many of these criticisms are completely unreasonable and inconsistent.

Although cost-effective fluorescent lamps can help save energy, they contain a small amount of toxic mercury, which, if accidentally damaged, is dissipated in the environment.

What should I do if a fluorescent lamp breaks down? What problems can you face? If, in this situation, everything is done correctly, the risk of mercury vapor damage is minimized. But if you do not take the necessary measures, the consequences can be deplorable. To avoid such problems for health and damage to the environment when fluorescent lamps break down, the following steps must be taken:

1. Take the children and pets out of the room.
2. Turn off all air conditioning and ventilate the room for a minimum of 10-15 minutes.
3. Carefully collect the fragments of the lamp. It is necessary to use rubber gloves. Store the fragments in sealed containers, such as glass jars or plastic containers. Do not use the vacuum cleaner to collect the fragments, as this can disperse the mercury particles in the air.
4. If your clothes, curtains or other fabrics come into contact with the powder contained inside the tubes of the lamp, try not to wash them in the washing machine. If possible, clean the contamination with disposable, damp paper towels or rags, which are then placed in sealed containers with lamp shards.
5. Do not dispose of broken fluorescent lamps in a landfill. Take them to reception points for further disposal. As a rule, it can be done at large sales points of such lamps, for example, in Ikea stores.

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