Hobby, Needlework
Knitting with needles: diagram, description. How to Knit with Garter Stitch
Knitting with knitting needles is a relatively simple and fascinating process. And the results are quite interesting and original. Each master of this needlework began with azov - stocking and garter stitch. The latter will be discussed later.
Types of loops
To understand how to knit garter stitch, you need to start to remember the main types of loops. They are isolated 2 - facial and purl. These names are conditional, since the canvases connected by these loops can be equal to both the face and the bottom of the future product.
And the concept of "front-back" is not always correct. The fact is that, while tying the front loop, the master simultaneously does the purl, but on the other hand knitting, and vice versa.
Accordingly, in order to obtain an even and beautiful product, it is necessary to alternate these types of loops depending on the series performed. On the basis of this principle, different patterns and types of cloths are constructed. Knitting with knitting needles, the scheme, the description of which will be further, is constructed a little differently.
Garter stitch characteristics
It is not known when exactly this pattern appeared. Perhaps, he was one of the first, because it is as simple as possible in execution. It is called so because it is this way knitted down kerchiefs.
The usual garter stitch, the photo of which is presented in the article, is quite resistant to stretching and deformation of the canvas. She holds the shape of the product well, while at the same time adding a small amount to it.
In ready-made products, garter knitting with knitting needles, a scheme whose description is quite common, is used mainly as a background to emphasize the beauty of the main pattern. It looks great as openwork drawings, and inserts hosiery with a Jacquard.
At the same time, this pattern is so simple and clear that it can be reproduced by all novice craftsmen who have only learned to knit one type of loops.
At the same time it does not matter at all whether it is a loop or a front one. The result is always the same.
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Let's consider a simple training example. To start, we'll type 20 loops in any convenient way. Next, we knit as shown in the diagram.
We turn the product and knit on the same principle as the first row: all the hinges are facial, except for the marginal edges. This is the whole garter knitting with knitting needles, the diagram, the description of which is given above.
You can finish the test sample, either by training to close the hinges, or by dismissing it. Of course, it is better not to use the training yarn in the main products, since it substantially loses its appearance.
Wrinkle garter stitching
The previous example shows how to knit handkerchief knitting with knitting needles. But this is not the only way. Wrong loops, tied in each row, give the same effect.
Simply, it has traditionally happened that masters prefer to use facial loops, because they are considered the first ones to be mastered, wanting to learn how to knit on knitting needles.
At the same time, the appearance of the product can not be said, it was connected to the front or back loops.
Grooming in a circle
The more experienced craftsmen may have a question about how to perform a handkerchief with their spokes in a circle. After all, with the usual knitting is enough only to turn the canvas. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, but there are some nuances.
As with any other knitting in a circle, the wizard will face twisted loops. To obtain a product with a classic appearance, it will be necessary to bind them so that the base of the loop does not twist. This is achieved by putting the knitting needle in the loop on the opposite side, as if unwinding it.
Next, you need to select an invisible seam location. This can be either a side seam or any other place that will be hidden from the eyes of people. The thing is that the place of passage from one row to the next will be slightly noticeable.
And most importantly, knitting garter stitching around the circle requires the master to alternate the front and back rows of the hinges, as there is no possibility to turn the canvas, and all the work takes place on the front side of the product.
Direction of mating
It is worth remembering that the knitting pattern of garter stitching provides for the presence on the surface of longitudinal grooves, which are formed by the tips of the back hinges. Therefore, the decorative effect depends on the direction of the mating.
In scarves and hats, it is better to use the transverse method of knitting. It is simpler and lighter, and the products are beautiful and compact, with a small margin of stretching in length.
But in sweaters and jackets you can try to combine longitudinal and transverse mating. But large products require long needles, without which the work will turn into a real hard labor.
To make the pattern fit, you can tie the entire sweater or dress with longitudinal garter stitch. Add lightness and openwork can be due to the use of spokes for several numbers of a larger size than required by the number of yarn. This effect is actively used in downy shawls. Here you can also find the most difficult variant of knitting - diagonal. He requires the master of maximum attention and a great experience of knitting on knitting needles.
Little tricks
In various handicraft manuals, plaiting with knitting needles often occurs. The scheme, the description of which is included in the product description, is quite simple, but does not always contain some nuances.
First, it is practically impossible to repeat the described product. There are several reasons for this: the discrepancy between the yarn in the description and the master, different numbers of spokes, the style of knitting (the tendency to tighten or loosen the loops). Therefore, one should never blindly follow the finished scheme. There is always room for improvisation, which makes the product more unique.
Secondly, when you start garter stitching, learn how to perfectly loops. Standing next to the elongated and tightened eyelets create the effect of an inaccurate handicraft.
Third, train on a soft, non-fluffy yarn. It is better to see errors. At the same time, the first full-fledged products should be made of fluffy threads. They will hide little flaws and will look more neat.
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