Computers, Database
How do you know if there is a criminal record in a person using the Internet?
Many employers are interested in how to find out if a person has a criminal record. This is an extremely important issue. After all, if a person has or had problems with the law, you should not consider his candidacy as a subordinate. In addition, the existence of a criminal record with a citizen is a ban on work in certain areas of activity. So, the employer should be aware of this feature. But how can he know about the presence of open or closed convictions? And maybe a potential employee is currently a party to the lawsuit? Under certain circumstances, you can specify this feature without any problems.
Notification is the responsibility of the applicant
How do you know if there is a conviction in a person? If it is a question of hiring, the potential employee should independently notify the future boss about his relationship with the law.
That is, you can ask a citizen to provide a certificate from law enforcement agencies about the presence or absence of criminal record. To do this, a person must come to his precinct and ask for the appropriate paper. But quite often I want to check for myself the absence or presence of previous convictions. How to do it?
We learn the registration
How do you know if there is a conviction in a person? To implement the idea in life, it is necessary first of all to know where this or that person is registered. Without this information it will be very problematic to clarify the information about a person of interest.
If there is a copy of the passport of the citizen, it is enough to look at the registration on a certain page of the identity card. If there is no information, you can use special Internet-services, which help to find out information about a person. Once the propiska, as well as the name of the person will be known, you can do further testing.
About the services of search for a residence permit
So, to learn about the registration of a citizen, you can use one cunning. Only after this, it is worthwhile to think about checking a person for the presence or absence of a criminal record. One should not believe the Internet services, which promise to give information about a resident of a particular region only by name, surname and patronymic.
Registration "breaks through" through a search for a variety of telephone directories. Citizens can use the following services:
It is enough to choose the region of residence, after which the services will require the introduction of the full name of the citizen. Next, a search is performed on electronic databases. The screen will display information about where the person is registered. Also, directories allow you to find out the phone number of a citizen. Here and the address of a residence permit is known. How do you know if a conviction has been withdrawn from a person, is there in principle? The most important information is already known. What's next?
We go to the precinct
It is necessary to exclude a rather outdated way to begin with. As soon as it is clear where the person is registered, you can go to the district police station at the place of registration and find out about the person's previous conviction.
The method is good, reliable, 100% allows you to clarify information about the criminal record. Only modern solutions can not be named. Most often people are interested in more convenient methods of verification. For example, via the Internet. After all, at the moment even the registration and telephone number can be "pierced" through the World Wide Web.
Is there a real chance
The Internet is a place where there are many incredible opportunities. But the deception is complete. That is why the population is wondering whether it is possible to find a person's criminal record on the Internet.
In fact, there is such a chance. Especially if you know what check services to use. As practice shows, if you have information about a citizen's registration, you can easily find out, not only about open criminal records, but also about closed ones. The main thing is not to believe all the numerous check services. What real ways and methods can help in implementing the idea?
Current conviction
Much depends on where the citizen lives. You just need to find the official web page of the district court of the person's residence permit. He will help to understand if a citizen has a criminal record.
After the person comes to the page of the court, you need to select the item "Office work". Or something like that. In any case, you need to find the menu item responsible for displaying the information about the criminal record. On some sites it is written "Criminal record information" or "Criminal record search".
Accordingly, it is this menu item that will help you deal with the task. How do you know if there is a conviction in a person? You just need to enter the information about the citizen in the fields and click on "Search". If there are unconfirmed convictions, and also if a person participates in the trial, the relevant information will be displayed. When a person is "clean", the search results will not succeed.
Problems with law
The following advice will help to verify not only the existence of a criminal record. The proposed method suggests finding a person in open executive office proceedings. That is, if there are at least some problems with the law, they will be displayed.
Is it possible to find a person's criminal record online? Yes. It is enough to visit the site of bailiffs. It is often here that one learns about the conscientiousness of a citizen. In case of non-fulfillment of certain court decisions, a person is entered into a special database. It is kept in the public domain. Everyone can search for information on the name, surname and patronymic of the citizen.
It is required to visit the site, then type there the requested data about the person. If executive office work was opened with respect to him, then after carrying out the search it will be possible to see information about it. Otherwise, the search will not yield results.
Search Engines
How do you know if a person has a criminal record? Perhaps, the next method is not famous for special accuracy. But consider it worth it.
Most of the information about a person in the modern world can be learned from the Internet. For example, through search engines. It is enough to enter some data about the citizen. Personal information will do. Namely:
- surname;
- name;
- patronymic;
- Date of Birth;
- City of residence / residence permit;
- Phone (sometimes);
- address.
According to this information, various news about this or that person can be found. It is likely that this way it will be possible to find the data on the previous conviction. For example, through the news about this. There is no special hope for such a search, but consider it as a possible future for action.
Social networks
How to check if there is a conviction in a person? Another is not the most reliable, but quite often successful version of the action - it's nothing more than the use of social networks.
Modern people are more dependent on "sotsialok". In user profiles you can find almost all information about the owner of the questionnaire. It is possible that the criminal record will also be reported.
Information that will be required for verification through social networks:
- City of residence;
- Date of Birth;
- Age (preferably).
To facilitate the search, the following data can help:
- Information on training;
- Place of previous work;
- hobbies;
- World outlook / religion;
- phone number.
Now it is clear how to find out if there is a conviction in a person. But that is not all. Sometimes, employers come to work for citizens who are currently on the wanted list. Fortunately, having personal data of the person, it is possible to learn, whether it is searched. And the Internet will help here.
It is required to go to the page This is a familiar site of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation. Only in this case there will be a search for people who are wanted. Or those who are suspected of committing crimes.
To get the information you need, you need to go to the specified address, then fill in all the requested fields. Click on "Find", a few minutes of waiting - and all information will be displayed. If a person is not wanted, an inscription appears like "Search did not give results" or "Nothing was found". Otherwise, you can see information about the suspect and the crime that he committed.
Attention, fraud
Now it is clear how to find out whether a person has a conviction or not. In the World Wide Web, there are many proposals that promise to quickly give out all information about a citizen in a few minutes. For example, about the criminal record, the address of residence and so on. But first you need to either pay, or enter your mobile phone number.
It has already been said that the Internet is full of deception. Such proposals are a fraudulent move. It was invented in order to breed people for money. How do you know if there is a conviction in a person? It is necessary to trust only trusted sites with a free search that does not require any additional information about the examiner.
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