
Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich: photo, biography, family

Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich is one of the most famous Soviet generals and a master of tactics of mechanized formations. A simple guy from a small farmer fell into three wars, in each of which he displayed personal courage and ingenuity. In addition to directly contributing to the victories of the Soviet Union, he also left many works devoted to military affairs, which are still quoted.

Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich: a short biography

Dmitry was born in October 1901 in the territory of the modern Rostov region. His parents were ordinary workers. From a young age he worked hard, helping the elders. A simple peasant family, such as there were millions in the vast expanses of the Russian Empire, experienced constant need. Despite his small age, Dima noticed a huge gulf between "ordinary people" and the elite. Therefore, with the start of the civil war, Leliushenko, Dmitry Danilovich joins the Bolsheviks. His native farm Novokuznetsovka is under the occupation of the Don Cossacks. In the spring of the eighteenth year, from the fronts of the First World War, Boris Dumenko returns. He organizes guerrilla pens to fight the White Guards. Lelushenko joins this detachment.

In the battles of civil war the spirit of the future commander was tempered. After joining the regular Red Army, Lelyushenko participates in many liberation battles in the territory of Voronezh and Donbas. In the steppes of Donetsk, his cavalry army repeatedly encountered in open battle with White cavalry.

After the war

After the victory in the civil war Lelyushenko, Dmitry Danilovich decides to devote his life to the military business. He is engaged in the study of new types of weapons. It was during this period that a large-scale industrialization began in the young Soviet state. The armies of the Red Army receive tanks and other armored vehicles. Dmitry immediately begins to actively explore and develop new machines. Ten years later he enters the military academy, where he studies military tactics, corresponding to new methods of warfare, and improves his command skills. For several years, he attains the rank of commander of the brigade.

Winter War

In the thirty-ninth year, the Soviet-Finnish war begins , one of the forerunners of the new world war . Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich goes to the front among the first. The fighting takes place in the hardest conditions of anomalous cold and constant attacks by Finnish saboteurs. His tank brigade supports infantry formations during the storming of the famous Mannerheim Line. These fortifications have brought many problems to the Red Army.

World War II

The second world war in the territory of the Soviet Union Lelushenko meets in the first fighters. After the invasion of the Nazis in the Baltic tank corps fighting with the occupants near the city of Daugavpils. In August 1941, I was engaged in the formation of new tank formations. But a few months later he was urgently summoned to the headquarters of the commander-in-chief.

In these difficult days for the country, Moscow was in danger. On Stalin's personal order, Lelyushenko is entrusted with a special Guards regiment. In a record short time, Dmitry Danilovich forms a unit and goes to the front. Fighters engage in battle with Guderian tanks near Orel. General Dmitry Lelyushenko personally leads a nine-day battle in the Mtsensk area. After this, he is entrusted to the fifth army, and he occupies defensive lines near Mozhaisk. In the battles for Moscow he is wounded and sent to Nizhny Novgorod for treatment.

Already in the winter of 1941, Dmitriy Danilovich returned to the system and was conducting a successful offensive near Moscow. After suppressing the resistance of the first shock army, it was possible to take the enemy grouping into the ring. In the summer of 1942, the Soviet offensive on Rzhev begins, in which Dmitry Danilovich Lelyushenko takes part. The biography of the commander includes failures, but under Rzhev it was especially difficult. One of the best German field marshals has turned the city into an impregnable fortress. Therefore, the Soviet troops suffered huge losses there.

Liberation of the Soviet land

In the summer of 1942, General Dmitry Lelyushenko launched an offensive against Rzhev. Carrying losses, his army was never able to gain a foothold in the bridgehead. But the fighters took revenge at Stalingrad. The First Guards Army played a significant role in the encirclement of the sixth army of Paulus and the defeat of the entire German grouping besieging the city.

After the beginning of the offensive of the Red Army along the whole front, Lelyushenko commanded the troops of the Fourth Ukrainian Front, which forced the Dnieper. On tense with these battles can be compared except that the battle for Normandy. After the liberation of all Soviet Ukraine, the tank army took part in the offensive on Sandomierz.

On the eve of the Victory in the capital of the Czech Republic, a national uprising began against the Nazi occupiers. The rebels captured the city, but the desperate Germans decided to wipe Prague off the face of the earth. Their plans were not destined to come true: on May 5th, Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich arrived to help the besieged. The general's family remembers how he wrote in letters about the incredible gratitude of the fraternal Slavic people for the salvation of their country.

Peaceful life

After the war, Dmitry Danilovich occupied various army posts. Worked on the improvement of military tactics and strategy. Died on the twentieth of July, eighty-seven. Already these days, activists opened a memorial in Moscow, where they wrote: "Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich, 1901-1987, Army General."

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