Spiritual development, Astrology
How do you express emotions in accordance with the sign of the zodiac?
Each person in everything is individual, including in the expression of his emotions. We all have our own habits and mechanisms, through which we overcome difficulties. But did you know that your zodiac sign can tell a lot about how you express sadness or other emotions?
Read on to learn more about your own way of expressing emotions based on your zodiac sign.
When Aries are very upset, they tend to attack others. Because they are very strong personalities, it is impossible to compete with them, and when they begin to experience emotional pressure from outside, they can become very aggressive.
Such emotion as sadness, and almost any other negative feelings are perceived by others as anger and paranoia.
Taurus does not like being perceived as a particularly vulnerable person, so when it comes to strong emotional experiences, he has a habit of being isolated from everyone and trying to cope with it alone.
Taurus are not particularly confident, do not always know how to respond to their own feelings, how to talk about it, so they are looking for options, how to distract oneself from attention.
Such persons quickly sink into grief and constantly try to escape and hide from the whole world.
People, as a rule, are accustomed to independently analyze their actions and actions, and sometimes this behavior plunges them into a protracted depression. And if you leave them alone with all the troubles, then this can lead to sad consequences.
Most cancers are strong and can overcome almost anything. And that they could do it, they need constant support and affection from partners and friends.
When they are sad or when emotions overtake them, they are hungry for physical touch, as this is the most pleasant thing for them.
a lion
A lion can be quite the king of a drama, a whole show, especially when faced with sad or violent emotions. Representatives of this sign will never hide their feelings, whatever they may be, and from this they can suffer very much, because they freely show their emotions to all.
Sometimes they may not even notice anything around themselves, they will be lost in their own problems, and in this connection they lose sight of reality.
When Virgo is upset, she does not want to hear or see anyone. She does not want to be cheered on or helped, but wants to be left alone. She needs, so to speak, to be alone with her sadness and disappointment. In this state, it will be until it decides that it is ready to go and fight on.
It is better to leave the emotional Virgo alone and not try to get into her personal space, otherwise you just lean on the conflict.
Libra does not like to recognize the truth, especially if there is pressure from the outside. They usually hide their emotions and try to pretend that they are all right.
They draw a false smile on their faces and do everything possible to deceive the surrounding people, because they themselves try to convince themselves that they are all in perfect order.
This may work for a while, but in the end, when Libra loses control, and all these depressed emotions come out, it always leads to unpleasant consequences and sometimes causes irreparable damage to personal relationships.
Try not to catch the eye of the Scorpio when they are sad or upset. As soon as Scorpio reaches a certain level of emotion, it becomes extremely tender and sensitive and can easily fall off the coils on a flat surface.
In this emotional state, representatives of this sign almost do not control the mood swings, and they will easily break away on the person who will be on their way.
Sagittarians should remember that they need to be very attentive to themselves when they are experiencing serious emotions, since they are most susceptible to severe depression. Representatives of the sign may fall into despair, even if it is a very insignificant trifle.
At the moment when they feel sad, they will want to step aside and allow it to envelop them completely, but it is important to resist this instinct, because pulling them out of this hole is a long and tedious process.
This is another great philosopher who can completely get lost in his thoughts because of the excess of feelings, and eventually, reflecting on all the negative moments in his life, he will simply exist on autopilot.
Capricorn is smart, but there is one drawback: he is inclined to see the glass half empty, and not half full, and hope is not the incentive that will push them. You should also follow them, as they are subject to problems with alcohol and drug abuse.
When Aquarians are unhappy, distressed, they begin to worry about everyone except themselves, and are inclined to plunge headlong into a career or something else that will help distract from overwhelming feelings.
They rarely share problems and feelings with surrounding people, but if they hide feelings and ignore the pain, they hurt themselves.
Fish always respond equally to stress - they turn into a giant bundle of anxiety and nerves.
They sometimes get hung up on every bad thing they've ever experienced, especially in times of emotional turmoil.
So that it does not turn into a vicious circle of anxiety and obsession, the Pisces must throw it all out of their heads and find something positive to calm down and concentrate as they process what they feel at their subconscious level.
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