Food and drinkRecipes

Home-made chips: tasty and nutritious

Chips - this is one of the popular types of fast food and a good way to quickly eat. They were first prepared in 1853. In the restaurant, where the famous chef George Kram worked, the tycoon Vanderbilt was dining. He ordered the fried potatoes, but then gave up the dish, saying that he was cut into thick pieces. He was given a new portion of the same dish. But he again refused it, repeating the same thing. Then Krum, in irritation, ordered to cut potatoes into the finest slices, fry and serve this annoyed client. To his surprise, Vanderbilt this time not only refused the dish, but also praised it. Then George Cram realized that he might have just opened a new dish that could become popular. After seven years he had his own restaurant, where on each table there were baskets with this food. He called this dish "Saratoga chips". Since then, they have gained increasing popularity - first in the home town of an outstanding culinary specialist, George Krum, soon and throughout the US, and then in other countries. In the USSR, they first appeared in 1963 under the name "potato in slices crispy Moscow". Today, chips can be bought in any supermarket - any manufacturer and with any taste.

Optionally, to enjoy crisp potato slices, you need to go to the store. Home-made chips can be no less delicious and nutritious. In addition, they will cost less than store, and also will not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, trans-isomers of fatty acids and other substances that are not healthy and even capable of causing serious harm. Making home-made chips is very simple. So, the simplest recipe. To make homemade chips, you will need potatoes to be cut into thin slices, and lean oil. Put the resulting slices in a bowl. Add a spoonful of oil and mix gently to allow the oil to soak and partially absorb. Then lay the bottom of the baking sheet with foil and apply a small layer of oil. Place the cut potatoes on a baking sheet in one layer. Put it in the oven, hold it for 15-20 minutes under the temperature of 200 degrees. All this time you need to look after them so that they are not overcooked and baked until ready. After that, you can get them, sprinkle with spices, allow to cool, pour into the vase.

Home-made chips do not have to be made from potatoes. There are also fruit (apple, pear, etc.) and cereals (for example, corn) and some other species. By the way, such "non-standard" varieties of this product are becoming more popular and in demand. They sell even the so-called "chocolate chips" - a kind of very delicate cookies. So, let's talk about what else you can do from apples, except jam. It will be a good dessert. To cook apple chips, you need two large apples, 80-100 grams of sugar, soda. First, cut out the core of the fruit. Slice them as thin as possible. You can cut it in slices or slices if the fruit is very large. Take 100 g of sugar and dilute in soda. With this mixture you need to pour the sliced apples and leave them for about fifteen minutes so that they soak. Turn on the oven (the temperature in it should reach 110 degrees) and cover the baking sheet with special baking paper so that the slices do not stick to the surface of the baking sheet. If the circles obtained are thin, then they should be baked for exactly one hour. If they are thicker, they should be left in the oven for about 90 minutes. Observe the cooking process. When the slices on one side become light brown, turn them over; Sometimes you need to turn over twice or even more.

Have a nice crunch. Enjoy, but do not forget that this product has an increased content of calories, therefore contributes to obesity. Especially potato homemade chips. Therefore, they need to be consumed in moderation and preferably not every day.

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