HealthDiseases and Conditions

Heel spur. Causes and methods of treatment

A lot of unpleasant sensations in life can bring a calcaneal spur. The reasons for which she received such a name are the external similarity of this bone spine-like outgrowth on the surface of the calcaneus with the menacing weapon of an important and proud bird.

Acute pain appears in the area of the heel due to the crushing of the heel muscles. This causes an inflammatory process in the soft tissues and tendons. And the severity of pain often depends on the sensitivity of soft tissues and the characteristics of the body itself, and not on the size of the build-up. Even those who do not complain of pain in the heels are not immune from the presence of such bone formations. After all, you can see them unambiguously only on an x-ray examination.

Among the elderly, the calcaneal spur, the causes of which may be the most diverse, occurs most often.

If you name the reasons, then one of the most common are overweight, foot microtrauma and flat feet. Disturbance of posture, uneven distribution of load on the bones of the foot lead to inflammatory processes in the bone tendons and muscles. A mite contributes to a metabolic disorder, which increases the formation of a spine-like growth on the calcaneus. Thus, the calcaneal spur is formed. The reasons for the onset of the pain syndrome have already been described. And an experienced orthopedic doctor at the reception, after hearing the characteristic complaints, can immediately put the correct diagnosis. Although usually an X-ray is also taken for confirmation.

Currently, conservative treatment of such a disease as a calcaneal spur is suggested. The reasons why surgical treatment is not applied are that there is no need to get rid of the anatomical growth. It is enough to conduct therapeutic treatment to eliminate the inflammatory process. The current shock-wave method is one of the most promising ways of treating this disease. Although this method has a number of shortcomings. It can not be recommended to pregnant women, people with malignant neoplasms or the problem of blood coagulability. Therefore, let's consider several ways how to heal the heel spur folk remedies, which in due time the author of this article was forced to use.

Baths with bischofite. Bischofite dissolve in hot water (temperature according to sensations). Often it is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution. As the cooling cools, add hot water to the tub. The duration of the procedure is at least 15-20 minutes. Wipe your feet, shave warm woolen socks and do not remove them until the morning.

Tincture colors of white lilac can be used for compresses. Wash pre-legs in warm water. After moistening the gauze dressing with warmed lilac tincture, wrap the heel area of the foot. Wrap up with polyethylene and wear woolen socks. The compress should be taken in the morning.

Fresh leaves of May burdock, horseradish or coltsfoot apply to the heel region of the foot for 8-10 hours. From above, wrapped a leg with polyethylene, put on woolen socks.

Compress from grated black radish is done at night. You can add a spoonful of honey to it.

Massage. This method is acceptable in the presence of a certain experience of performing a massage. But it's worth it, because its effect multiplies the effect from any treatment. You can use any of the massagers that may be available at your fingertips. It should be performed after taking a bath, but before applying the compress.

Red pepper. Most recently, the way I heard hit me with its simple. As in a distant childhood a mustard powder was poured into the socks from a cold, so the ground red pepper from the heel spur is poured into the toe under the heel. There is nothing easier. Just remember that the legs should be dry and be careful not to get moisture or fogging your feet, because in this case the "fire" will interrupt your medical procedure.

If you have a calcaneal spur, the methods of treating it are very diverse. From my own experience I want to share another observation. Shoes that you wear should be on a heel of medium height (3-4 cm). Both a high heel and a complete lack of it cause strong pain. If your work is associated with a long stay on your feet, then another tip is to keep a spare pair of shoes at hand so that at a critical moment you can change shoes. Changing the height of the lift will help you survive the emerging pain syndrome and look decent at the end of the day.

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